Cobb Vartos, a Major of the Human species, was a male with dark skin. He served in New Republic Intelligence, commanding a squad of Intelligence officers tasked with freeing Verkuyl from the control of the Galactic Empire. To infiltrate the Verkuylian Imperial Governor's Hall, he and Selby Jarrad posed as potential corporate buyers for the new bacta refining facility. Their objective was twofold: to install a listening device in Governor Parco Ein's office and to pressure him into surrendering Verkuyl, or face death. He attended the reception for the bidders with Sel, later separating to extensively survey the reception and subsequently scout the hall.
Upon reuniting with Sel, he shared his belief that Imperial Daven Quarle, an employee within the hall, was a resistance ally. Unbeknownst to him, Quarle was secretly a double agent working for Ein. The following day, Vartos was apprehended while attempting to disable the power supply to the Governor's Hall, alongside Quarle. Sel's unexpected arrival during the arrest created a sufficient diversion, enabling her and Quarle to flee after Vartos was shot and injured, abandoning him to his own devices. The mission ultimately succeeded when Sel uncovered Quarle's deception and signaled a waiting New Republic fleet to initiate the liberation of Verkuyl. He pulled through, though he needed some time in a bacta tank to recover from his injuries. He then reunited with Sel after the mission's conclusion.