In the year 19 ABY, operatives working for the Imperial Remnant incited a riot within the Bothawui metropolis of Drev'starn, specifically in the Merchant's Square vicinity. They capitalized on pre-existing civil disturbances stemming from the Caamas Document Crisis. Once a substantial group had congregated in the square, Imperial agents discharged a number of sniper rounds, triggering a wave of panic that forced the crowd towards the adjacent Combined Clans Center Building. Bothan security personnel responded by opening fire on the throng, and only the actions of the renowned New Republic figure Han Solo prevented the mob from gaining access to the building's higher levels. As a result of the tumultuous events, twenty-seven rioters perished, and approximately forty others sustained injuries.
Among those killed were a pair of unarmed Leresen, an event that led their people to respond by dispatching a strike team to obliterate a small space station orbiting Bothawui. This act resulted in the deaths of twenty-one innocent Bothans (based on their legal code, twenty innocent lives were deemed an acceptable substitute for two guilty individuals from the same "tribe"). Consequently, the Mon Calamari and Diamalan administrations deployed their own task forces to safeguard Bothawui from further acts of aggression, leading to an accumulation of warships in orbit that ultimately ignited the second Battle of Bothawui.