Combined Clans Center Building

The Combined Clans Center Building, often shortened to just the Combined Clans Building, was a structure located in Drev'starn, the capital city of the planet Bothawui. It served as the headquarters for the leaders of the Bothan Combined Clans. This building was the central governing location for the Bothan clans that held legislative power throughout Bothan Space. During the Caamas Document Crisis of 19 ABY—triggered by the discovery of a document suggesting Bothan involvement in the destruction of Caamas—the center was the site of a destructive riot. This riot was instigated by Imperials just before a battle with the New Republic.


Situated close to Merchant's Square in Drev'starn, the capital city on the planet Bothawui, the Combined Clans Center Building featured a three-story atrium. The upper two levels had broad observation galleries that faced the front of the building. This atrium occupied the front third of the structure and included doors that opened to the outside. An ornate staircase connected the first two floors, while a more functional staircase linked the top two levels. Public offices were located around the atrium's perimeter. The second and third floors housed more private offices, which were adorned with borscii vines, kafvris vines, small trees, and outdoor balconies.

The building's records room, labeled "ARCHIVES," was on the third floor. Security measures included two armed guards at the base of the stairs and concealed static barrier poles built into the staircase banisters. During the Caamas Document Crisis riot in 19 ABY, additional armed guards were stationed at the stairway.


After the Galactic Empire's destruction of Caamas was linked to the Bothans via the Caamas Document, which surfaced in 19 ABY, the New Republic sought compensation from Bothawui. Borsk Fey'lya, the representative of Bothawui in the New Republic Senate, claimed the Bothans lacked the necessary resources to assist in relocating Caamasi citizens. Consequently, President Ponc Gavrisom dispatched High Councilor Leia Organa Solo to the Combined Clans Center Building on Bothawui to audit the financial records of the Bothan Combined Clans, which served as the governing body for the Bothan clans.

Simultaneously, a Imperial faction headed by Moff Vilim Disra, hoping to exploit the unrest caused by the Caamas Document, sent a team led by Imperial Intelligence agent Drend Navett to Drev'starn. This coincided with Councilor Solo's visit to Bothawui accompanied by her husband and Noghri bodyguards. The Intelligence operatives devised a plan to instigate a riot in Merchant's Square, outside the building. Klif, a member of Navett's team, gathered a large, diverse crowd that included members of the Leresai, a species renowned for their strict justice system, and Froffli, a species whose government strongly advocated for sanctions against the Bothans.

As the enraged crowd marched toward the building, Rayl'skar, the Clan leader of Askar, attempted to calm the citizens from a balcony of the Combined Clans Building. Before he could quell the mob, strategically placed sniper fire, seemingly originating from both Rayl'skar on the second floor and Han Solo—who was observing the situation from the third-floor balcony—ignited the chaos. Although the blaster bolts appeared to come from the building, they were actually fired by Drend Navett and his agents using Xerrol Nightstinger blaster rifles. These initially invisible bolts were then redirected through crystals and Tibanna gas-filled blast tubes placed on the balconies, which were designed to aim the shots at the crowd.

When the crowd breached the atrium of the Combined Clans Center Building, Leia Organa Solo responded to First Secretary Orou'cya's pleas for help and tried to halt the rioters to prevent further violence. However, Bothan guards fired into the crowd, leading to the destruction of the entire first floor. Han Solo was compelled to sever the ceremonial staircase connecting the first two floors with his wife's lightsaber to prevent the mob from reaching the upper levels. As a result of the violent disturbance, approximately forty people were injured, and twenty-seven rioters were killed. Among the deaths were two Leresai, which prompted the species to join the growing number of governments demanding justice against the Bothans.

Behind the scenes

The Combined Clans Center Building was first introduced in the late 1990s in Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology by Timothy Zahn. It was the setting for a major riot in Specter of the Past (1997). It received brief mentions in Vision of the Future (1998), the second book in the duology.

