Comprehend Speech

A Jedi's capacity to grasp the spoken language of any sentient being they encountered was facilitated by Comprehend Speech, a Force ability. While it granted understanding of the general meaning, it didn't necessarily enable the Jedi to speak the language themselves. It's plausible that this ability stemmed from the Telepathy power; for instance, Revan was depicted as extracting the Rakatan language directly "from their minds," instantly comprehending their speech upon their initial meeting. Obi-Wan Kenobi also showcased this power on Nelvaan, successfully understanding and translating the words of a Nelvaanian shaman named Orvos, although some of the speech's finer points eluded him. However, this ability proved ineffective when attempting to understand the languages of extremely xenophobic cultures, as demonstrated by Revan's failure to comprehend the Sand People dialect. One could infer that cultures actively rejecting contact with others, showing indifference to whether individuals can communicate with them, can nullify this ability. The effectiveness of this ability was enhanced if the sentient being possessed some level of Force-sensitivity, as seen when Luke Skywalker met the Qom Jha on Nirauan and realized he understood their language without any deliberate effort to interpret it.

The Witches of Dathomir were known to use the Spell of Interpretation, which was the same power.

Mace Windu employed this power to decipher the guttural language of Kar Vastor.

Known users

