Convor (episode)

"Convor" marks the fifteenth installment of the online series Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures. This particular episode became available on on January 24, 2023. It debuted concurrently with the series' sixteenth episode, "Gergilla."

Official description

Aree believes he's devised the ideal strategy for luring out the hard-to-find convor: disguising Cam to resemble the creature!

Plot summary

Aree and CAM journey to Atollon with the goal of finding the difficult-to-spot convor. To aid in their search, Aree puts CAM in a convor disguise. This successfully draws the attention of a male convor, who then engages in a dance with CAM. During this exciting moment, Aree inadvertently causes the coral structure he's positioned on to give way. Aree begins to sink into the nearby quicksand and cries out for assistance.

CAM rushes to Aree's aid, attempting to pull him free, but Aree proves too weighty. Ultimately, three convors lift both of them to safety. Subsequently, three additional convors arrive and establish a friendly connection with the droids. Aree observes that the most effective approach to befriending a convor is simply to be authentic.

