Corellian flame miniature

Corellian flame miniatures, a form of light sculpture, were crafted to resemble radiant, hovering flames exhibiting a pinkish color. Originating from Corellian artists, these creations utilized transoptical fibers, a blend of pseudoluminescent flora and Goorlish light sources. These fibers were then meticulously fashioned into sculptures of great fragility, each embodying the essence of a glowing fire.

Despite their apparent simplicity, Corellian flame miniatures garnered significant appreciation and proved difficult for other species to replicate authentically, despite various attempts. Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire held this art in high regard, and during his military campaign against the New Republic during 9 ABY, he used numerous holographic representations of them to soothe his mind during periods of contemplation and strategic planning.

Behind the scenes

The concept of Corellian flame miniatures was conceived by the writer Timothy Zahn and initially introduced in Dark Force Rising, the second novel within his Thrawn Trilogy series. Subsequently, they made an appearance in a single frame of the third issue of the comic book adaptation of Dark Force Rising, with illustrations by penciller Terry Dodson, inker Kevin Nowlan, and colorist Pamela Rambo, marking their first visual depiction.

