Corinna A'Daasha

Corinna A'Daasha was a Human female originating from the planet of Corellia. Having been raised in a lavish environment, she departed to explore the galaxy before ultimately settling down with her twin sister, Kandria A'Daasha, on the world of Adarlon. Together, the sisters established and jointly managed the Glow Dome nightclub located there. After an encounter with a member of the underground group, No-Holds-Barred, Corinna developed sympathies for the Rebel Alliance. While she never officially enlisted, she extended assistance and sanctuary to Rebel agents at her establishment.


Nicknamed Cori by her close acquaintances, Corinna A'Daasha, along with her twin sister Kandria A'Daasha, were Humans of Corellian descent, both female, and born on the planet of Corellia into a prosperous family that catered to their every need. During their childhood, the sisters never experienced any form of hardship, and while Kandria relished in their luxurious existence, Corinna grew increasingly restless and bored with it. Driven by a desire for excitement and adventure, Corinna eventually utilized a portion of her inheritance to leave the A'Daasha family home and venture into the galaxy. However, the sisters' separation proved to be difficult for both of them, and shortly thereafter, Kandria joined Corinna on her journeys. Kandria then persuaded Corinna to journey to the pleasure-centric planet of Adarlon, where Corinna thoroughly enjoyed her time, leading the two sisters to venture into the world of business.

Together, the twins founded the Glow Dome nightclub. Boasting intricate light and sound systems, it quickly gained significant popularity. Although the twins were co-owners of the nightclub, with each sister maintaining a personal office, Corinna oversaw the day-to-day operations, including security matters, which led her to acquire a pre-owned seeker droid. Despite her success, Corinna continued to feel a sense of unfulfillment until she encountered a member of the No-Holds-Barred underground group, who introduced her to restricted holomaterials pertaining to the Rebel Alliance and the Jedi tradition of Force-users. Shortly after being exposed to the Rebellion's cause, Corinna developed a strong sense of sympathy for the organization, and despite never formally joining, she permitted the sale of underground holos at her nightclub and allowed Rebel operatives to utilize her business as a secure location.

Personality and traits

Corinna A'Daasha's sister, Kandria A'Daasha

Corinna A'Daasha possessed qualities that were the direct opposite of her sister's. While Kandria reveled in their opulent lifestyle, Corinna's yearning for adventure and excitement led her to reject her privileged upbringing, fostering a sense of sympathy for the Rebellion. While both Corinna and her sister shared a fondness for clothes, Kandria took greater pride in her wardrobe and devoted more attention to it. Corinna, conversely, although enjoying pieces that she felt accentuated her features, would often wear the same clothing repeatedly.

Corinna possessed a strong will and a mischievous sense of humor, often engaging in practical jokes, especially targeting rude, unpleasant, and ill-mannered patrons of her club. She would also seek retribution against those who offended her by utilizing a holoprojector to create illusions, such as altering the appearance of the woman those people were going out with. She would also use those projections to disguise her true self in order to fool her customers when bartending. However, when people upset Kandria, whom Corinna often had to rescue, the latter did not stop at mere jokes and those people were never seen again. Cohden K'Reye, a Corellian gambler who frequently frequented the Glow Dome, still characterized Corinna as harmless.

Skills and abilities

Corinna A'Daasha was physically athletic. She also possessed proficiency in the use of blasters and grenades, as well as expertise with sensors and space transports, computer programming and repair, first aid, and security protocols. Her talents extended to bargaining, gambling, concealing herself, sneaking, searching, and persuasion, and she also possessed knowledge in various areas such as alien species, languages, planetary systems, and the inner workings of both the business world and the street world.


Corinna A'Daasha carried both a hold-out blaster and a vibroknife concealed on her person, along with a personal holoplayer and a datapad. She typically wore a flight suit, but her wardrobe also included a top paired with pants and arm bracelets.

Behind the scenes

Corinna A'Daasha was conceived by Paul Danner and Bill Smith and illustrated by Tom O'Neill for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1997. A'Daasha is a potential contact for player characters aligned with the Rebel Alliance.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (First mentioned)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
