Lux was a repurposed Seeker droid, adapted for security functions within the Glow Dome, a nightclub establishment situated on the planet of Adarlon. Dr. Lytos Urtell significantly modified and heavily armed him.
Corinna A'Daasha, a co-owner of the Glow Dome, acquired Lux as a pre-owned unit, after which Doctor Lytos Urtell implemented extensive modifications. Originally, the droid's programming focused on criminal pursuit and apprehension, but Urtell's enhancements, including added weaponry and altered programming, transformed it into a formidable security asset.
The droid maintained its original programming related to law enforcement, specifically its ability to identify and locate criminals. Despite its small, spherical form, Lux was programmed to communicate in the manner of a hardened, streetwise police officer. Lux exhibited zero tolerance for insolence. He also harbored distrust for Doctor Urtell, a sentiment he voiced to Corinna on numerous occasions.
As a Seeker droid, Lux possessed advanced sensory equipment and programming that enabled him to track individuals with genetic precision and evaluate them for potential threats. His proficiency in identifying criminals made Dr. Urtell uneasy, given his involvement in various illicit activities at the time. The Sullustan doctor attempted to bring Lux in for a supposed maintenance check, but the droid correctly assessed that Urtell posed a potential danger.
Equipped with a Merr-Sonn Model MSD-32 Disruptor Pistol and a BlasTech Persuader heavy stun gun, Lux functioned as a mobile arsenal, capable of enforcing security measures with potentially lethal force.
Paul Danner and Bill Smith conceived the character of Lux for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, published by West End Games in 1997. Tom O'Neill provided the illustration of the character.