The CSF Senior Command, also known as the Coruscant Security Force Senior Command, comprised the leading officers who oversaw the Coruscant Security Force near the end of the Galactic Republic. Their base of operations was situated within the CSF Headquarters, found in Galactic City on the planet of Coruscant.
During the Clone Wars, specifically in 22 BBY, Senior Command initially displayed reluctance towards allowing commandos from the Grand Army of the Republic to carry out anti-terror activities on Coruscant. Nevertheless, the mission proved successful, with the CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit receiving most of the recognition for taking down the terrorist networks. Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire circa 18 BBY, the Senior Command was superseded by the Sector Command.
The Coruscant Security Force Senior Command is featured in Republic Commando: Triple Zero, the second book of the Republic Commando series. Karen Traviss wrote the novel, which was released in 2006.