Coruscant Security Special Investigation Panel

The Coruscant Security Special Investigation Panel was a body of authorities within the Coruscant Security Force. Functioning on the world of Coruscant, this panel was active during the Cold War period between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Their purpose was to investigate instances where law enforcement personnel, including Jedi, resorted to deadly force, subsequently determining the legality of its application. In cases where a criminal with a bounty was lawfully eliminated, this Special Investigation Panel would grant the agreed-upon bounty to the individual responsible for the termination.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare in 2011, featured a reference to the Coruscant Security Special Investigation Panel. In the "Stolen Secrets" mission, players have the option to eliminate Vistis Garn to gain dark side points. Should the player choose this route, the Special Investigation Panel dispatches a communication to the player, indicating that they have scrutinized Vistis' case file and deemed the termination lawful, subsequently awarding the bounty to the player.

