Cosweg Budeesho, a seasoned holographer and also a cartoonist, resided on the planet of Ando Prime alongside his wife, Seeja, and their beloved tooka, named Yari. In the era of the Clone Wars, he created the propaganda piece titled "Do Your Part!" for the Intergalactic Association of Amalgamated Droid Builders. This creation was intended to motivate individuals of all ages to enlist as droid technicians for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Additionally, Budeesho's other creative endeavors found their way into publications by TriPlanetary Press, Baobab Publishing, and the Shafr Center Press, among various smaller publishing entities.
Cosweg Budeesho's initial appearance was within the pages of the reference volume titled Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy. This book, authored by Pablo Hidalgo, became available on October 25, 2016.