CR90 Corellian Corvette Expansion Pack

The CR90 Corellian Corvette Expansion Pack serves as an addition to the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game, brought to you by Fantasy Flight Games. This expansion provides a meticulously crafted miniature of the CR90 corvette. Its initial release was on May 14, 2015, forming a part of the game's inaugural wave of expansions.

Publisher's summary

The CR90 Corellian corvette, a compact capital ship approximately 150 meters in length, holds the distinction of being the first starship seen in the original Star Wars trilogy. Its adaptability made it a crucial asset for the Rebellion. Frequently called "blockade runners," CR90 corvettes could be modified to bypass Imperial blockades, transport cargo, function as troop carriers, or directly engage Imperial vessels in combat.

With the CR90 Corellian Corvette Expansion Pack for Star Wars: Armada, you have the opportunity to incorporate one of these highly versatile starships into your Rebel fleet. Included in the expansion is a pre-painted CR90 corvette miniature, a command dial, all the necessary tokens, and ship cards representing both the CR90a and CR90b configurations. Furthermore, eight upgrades, including the commander card Mon Mothma and the Tantive IV title card, enable you to customize your corvette for battle.




Within the CR90 Corellian Corvette Expansion Pack, you will find a miniature, along with maneuver dials, action tokens, and a selection of ship and upgrade cards.


  • A CR90 Corvette miniature

Ship cards

  • CR90 Corvette A CR90 Corvette B Tantive IV Jaina's Light Dodonna's Pride

Upgrade cards

