Dageerin, an Aqualish of the male persuasion, resided in Aurilia, a village located on the planet of Dathomir, during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He actively participated as a member of the forces perpetually engaged in combat against the Sith Shadows. Captain Sarguillo mentioned to him a Force-sensitive person dispatched to the village by the Old Man. In an effort to thwart an impending assault, he dispatched this individual to target several bases belonging to the Shadows. Shortly thereafter, he tasked the same individual with attacking eight of the Shadows, aiming to impede their progress while the village's fortifications underwent reconstruction.
Dageerin made an appearance in the video game Star Wars Galaxies. This was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Sony Online Entertainment developed it and LucasArts published it. This was before its shutdown on December 15, 2011.