Daimanate officer

A Daimanate officer of Human descent stood alongside the Sith Lord Daiman as Chelloa was destroyed in 1032 BBY. From a mountain vantage point, he and his Sith master watched the ground invasion led by the rival Sith Lord Odion. This Daimanate officer conceived the plan to use "fake" mobile munitions complexes as bait, drawing Odion's forces into a trap on Chelloa. However, these "factories" were actually kinetic corruptors, colossal machines capable of devastating Chelloa's surface on a grand scale. Daiman, rather than permit Odion to seize control of Chelloa and its valuable baradium resources, chose to annihilate the planet. The kinetic corruptors had the ability to ignite baradium, a highly unstable substance essential for munitions manufacturing.

A significant portion of Odion's invading forces were obliterated by Daiman's kinetic corruptors. Furthermore, Daiman sought to deny Chelloa's population to Odion by abandoning them on their devastated world. However, the Jedi Knights Gorlan Palladane and Kerra Holt, with assistance from the Chelloan resistance, commandeered his fleet of decoy transports. The Chelloan resistance successfully evacuated 60,000 Chelloans. When the officer failed to make contact with the crews of the transports, Lord Daiman used his binoculars and discovered Kerra and Gorlan evacuating refugees and battling Lord Odion's troops. Daiman, in a fit of rage, commanded his defense fleet to destroy the freighters. Yet, the officer informed Daiman that he had ordered the fleet away to create a trap for Odion.

The officer then implored Daiman to flee Chelloa before the mountain collapsed. However, the delusional Sith Lord, under the impression that he was the "creator of the universe", retorted that the mountain would obey his commands. The skeptical captain responded that the mountain was not currently listening. In the end, Daiman heeded the officer's advice and left Chelloa.

