Located within the Danalbeth system, itself situated in the Teraab sector of the Slice region of the Mid Rim, lay Danalbeth, a water world. Certain scientists hypothesized that Danalbeth served as the original homeworld for the Graygl, a species of aquatic and sentient beings.
Approximately five millennia prior to the Galactic Civil War, a number of destructive events unfolded across various water worlds in the galaxy, including the Graygl's planet of origin. These disasters left the native populations vulnerable until a group of spacefaring saviors appeared, assisting in the relocation of these species to Iskalon in the Mid Rim. There, they would eventually evolve into the Iskalonian cultural entity.
During the era of the New Republic, the Shi'ido anthropologist, Doctor Hoole, dedicated himself to the examination of the ruins on the Iskalonian homeworlds. His goal was to understand the nature of the cataclysms and identify the benefactors who aided the Iskalonians.
The first mention of Danalbeth occurred in "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series," an article penned by Rich Handley along with Joe Bongiorno. It was featured in the inaugural edition of the Star Wars Gamer magazine, released on September 1, 2000. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Danalbeth system, and consequently Danalbeth, within grid coordinate P-11.