Daniel M. Lavery

Daniel M. Lavery, born on November 28, 1986, penned the short story "An Incident Report", which appears in the 2017 collection titled From a Certain Point of View. The narrative adopts the perspective of Admiral Conan Antonio Motti, and its style is reminiscent of Lavery's contributions to The Toast, a website he helped establish.


Lavery's story "An Incident Report" centered around Admiral Motti.

An American author and Star Wars enthusiast since childhood, Daniel M. Lavery (born November 28, 1986) has immersed himself in the franchise through works like Heir to the Empire and Tales from Jabba's Palace. He contributed the short story "An Incident Report" to From a Certain Point of View, an anthology of tales set during the 1977 original trilogy film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. StarWars.com announced Lavery's involvement in the project on April 17, 2017, with its publication following on October 3 of the same year.

Elizabeth Schaefer, the anthology's editor, compiled a list of desired collaborators and extended an invitation to Lavery. In a StarWars.com interview with Kristin Baver, Lavery suggested Schaefer's familiarity with his numerous tweets and articles on The Toast, a website he co-created, concerning the Star Wars Legends character Kyp Durron from Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy. From a selection of A New Hope supporting characters, Lavery chose Admiral Conan Antonio Motti and crafted a narrative about Motti filing a workplace incident report after being Force choked by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader. Lavery expressed his fondness for "fussy bureaucrats," aiming to capture his own tendencies toward self-pity and minor complaints, amplified to Imperial proportions through Motti. He also speculated that Motti dies shortly after submitting the report in the story, taking his aversion to Vader's "workplace proselytization" with him. Baver and Lavery both noted the stylistic similarities between the story and his work on The Toast.




  • Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View Anthology Book Celebrates 40 Years of A Galaxy Far, Far Away on StarWars.com (backup link)
  • " An Incident Report " — From a Certain Point of View (and audiobook)
  • The Making of From a Certain Point of View on StarWars.com (backup link)
  • NYCC 2017: Highlights from the From a Certain Point of View Author Panel on StarWars.com (backup link)
  • Daniel M. Lavery on Admiral Motti's Force Problems in From a Certain Point of View on StarWars.com (backup link)

Notes and references

  • Official website (backup link)
  • Daniel Lavery (@daniel_m_lavery) on Instagram (backup link)
  • Daniel M. Lavery ( @daniel_m_lavery ) on Twitter (backup link)
  • Daniel M. Lavery on Simon & Schuster's official website (backup link)
  • Daniel M. Lavery on Wikipedia
