Dark Times 3: The Path to Nowhere, Part 3 represents the third installment within the Star Wars: Dark Times comic book saga.
Truly, these are bleak eras, demanding that even the most honorable endeavors depend on secrecy, trickery, and potentially the disloyalty and desertion of companions and family.
Circumstances have propelled Jedi Dass Jennir and his ally Bomo Greenbark toward the world of Orvax—a galactic hub for the slave trade. On this planet, they encounter peril not only from enslavers and the Empire, but they also grapple with the harsh realization that their objective may be unattainable.
In a parallel narrative, Darth Vader is compelled to confront certain disagreeable truths—and recollections—from his past. Despite his status as a Dark Lord of the Sith, even he is subordinate to the authority of the Emperor.