Darth Krayt's tomb

Darth Krayt's Tomb:

Sith apprentice Saarai stands guard at the tomb of Darth Krayt.

The intended, ultimate resting place for Darth Krayt, the Dark Lord of the Sith and originator of the One Sith order, was Darth Krayt's tomb. In actuality, the tomb, situated deep within XoXaan's Temple on the Sith burial world of Korriban, served as a stasis chamber facility. Darth Wyyrlok, Krayt's regent and a Chagrian Sith Lord, designed it to showcase Krayt's body, giving the impression that the Dark Lord was simply undergoing another of his periods of regenerative stasis. Wyyrlok had previously murdered Krayt on Had Abbadon. To perpetuate the deception, Wyyrlok tasked Darth Talon, who was unaware of Krayt's demise, with guarding the tomb. However, when Darth Nihl persuaded Talon to grant him access, they discovered Krayt's body was missing, with only his armor remaining.

Through his mastery of the Dark transfer technique, Darth Krayt resurrected himself and resumed his reign over the One Sith, seeking to subjugate the galaxy. However, during the Battle of Coruscant, he met his end a second time, slain by his intended apprentice, Cade Skywalker. Skywalker cast Krayt's body into Coruscant's Sun, ensuring its final destruction and preventing its return to the tomb.

