Darth Skotia's bunker

This fortified shelter was the property of Darth Skotia. It was situated on Dromund Kaas, the primary world of the Sith Empire, during the era known as the Cold War. Its function was that of a storage facility, with Skotia's personal guards ensuring the safety of various artifacts and relics held within. While Darth Nox was still serving as an apprentice to Darth Zash, Nox was given the mission to penetrate the bunker's defenses and retrieve a tablet to aid in their plan to overcome Darth Skotia. Nox accomplished this objective.

Behind the scenes

The bunker's initial appearance was in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) developed by BioWare and launched on December 20, 2011.

