In the year 3643 BBY, on the planet of Dromund Kaas, the Sith Lord known as Zash tasked her apprentice with a mission: retrieve a certain artifact from Darth Skotia's bunker. This relic, she claimed, would prove invaluable in their struggle against her rival, none other than Darth Skotia himself. The Apprentice successfully infiltrated the heavily guarded bunker, securing the desired Trandoshan relic after eliminating all of Skotia's forces present, including the Sith Lord named Ogathu.
In the era of 3643 BBY, the newly arrived apprentice of the Sith Lord Zash found themselves on Dromund Kaas, the very heart of the Sith Empire. Zash revealed to the apprentice the ongoing power struggle with her superior, Darth Skotia. Desiring Skotia's demise to further her own ambitions, she dispatched her apprentice to penetrate Darth Skotia's bunker and recover a specific artifact: the Trandoshan relic. This relic, she explained, would be crucial in their future confrontation with Skotia. However, the apprentice's initial task involved acquiring the bunker's schematics from a group of rebellious slaves situated nearby. The Apprentice complied, swiftly obtaining the plans from the rebel slaves after their unfortunate demise.
Having secured the plans, the Apprentice arrived at the bunker's entrance and immediately engaged Darth Skotia's Guard, a formidable force amassed within the bunker by Skotia. The coveted relic resided within Skotia's private reliquary, which was heavily secured. To bypass these defenses, the Apprentice proceeded to dismantle several monitoring stations, effectively disabling the reliquary's locking mechanisms. Each station was personally defended by one of Skotia's Sith apprentice, but they proved no match for the Apprentice's skill. With the stations destroyed and a trail of bodies left in their wake, the Apprentice prepared to enter the reliquary, only to be confronted by Lord Ogathu, who stood guard at the entrance. A fierce battle ensued, with the fate of the relic hanging in the balance. The Apprentice emerged victorious, inflicting a mortal wound upon Ogathu and proceeding to retrieve the relic. However, Ogathu, refusing to yield, attempted a final strike, only to be swiftly dispatched by the Apprentice's force lightning. With the relic secured, the Apprentice departed the bunker.
The recovered relic later played a pivotal role in the duel against Darth Skotia, turning Skotia's own Trandoshan acolytes and bodyguards against him. While the acolytes were easily dealt with, they served as a crucial distraction, allowing the Apprentice to close in on Skotia and deploy the more potent weapon.
The events within Darth Skotia's bunker are depicted in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. This mission mirrors the "At the Foot of the Colossus" quest within the Sith Inquisitor class storyline, where the player is dispatched by Lord Zash to acquire the Trandoshan relic, essential for defeating Darth Skotia. It also incorporates elements of the side quest "Bunker Busting," where the player is tasked with dismantling the army that Darth Skotia is building within the bunker.