The ultimate victor in the "Darth Who Contest" unveiled the official Sith designation for a key figure within the pages of Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, which serves as the fifth installment of the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force saga. The competition concluded precisely at 12:00 am EST on December 1, 2006; according to the February/March 2007 edition of the Del Rey Star Wars newsletter, a staggering 8500 submissions were tallied. Lucasfilm and Del Rey editors, alongside the authors behind the Legacy of the Force series, curated the top five contenders. These selections were then publicly revealed on January 23, 2007.
As stated in The Essential Reader's Companion, the temporary Sith title assigned to Jacen during the Darth Who Contest was Darth Kallus.
Participation in the contest was limited to registered members of the Star Wars official site who were American citizens and at least 18 years old. Each participant was restricted to a single name submission. The duration of the contest spanned from October 3 to November 30, 2006. Aaron Allston, Troy Denning, and Karen Traviss were responsible for selecting the top five entries, which were subsequently posted on the official site on January 23. Voting remained open on the site until February 27, 2007, allowing registered members to cast their votes for the ultimate winner.
Initially, there was speculation that the Legacy book series might influence whether Jacen Solo would evolve into Darth Krayt from the Legacy comic series (a prevalent fan theory before the book's release). However, the contest announcement shifted this perspective, as the Sith name was to be determined by the contest, and Darth Krayt was not among the potential names. The true identity of Darth Krayt was later uncovered in a Legacy comic, revealing him to be the former Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett.
The announced victor, as revealed in Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice, was Darth Caedus. Within the acknowledgements section at the beginning of the novel, Del Rey Books and Lucas Licencing Ltd. expressed their gratitude to the winner, Tawnia Poland, for her contribution of the name. Additionally, appreciation was extended to all the fans who participated in the Darth Who contest.
- Your Chance to Name the Next Sith on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Last Chance to Name That Sith on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Darth Who: Vote For Jacen's Sith Name on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Darth Who? -- Name the Newest Sith Lord! on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Darth Who? (Was: Jacen Solo: Darth-You-Pick) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; accessed February 11, 2013) (backup link)