Deep Fathom, previously called Deep Current, was a resistance organization whose primary function was the collection of intelligence. Their operations spanned from the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire through the emergence of the First Order.
During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, when they were known as Deep Current, the group was under the leadership of Saltbite. Operating from Shipwrights' Trace and Tynna, they utilized Tynnan bureaucratic skills to acquire substantial intelligence concerning Galactic Empire deployments and shipyard cargo movements. Deep Current and Saltbite were featured in a report to Mon Mothma, as the Alliance to Restore the Republic hoped that providing data would lead to protection from the Rebel Alliance. This report would later be included in The Rebel Files.
As the Galactic Empire collapsed and the New Republic and Resistance developed, Deep Current evolved into Deep Fathom, with Saltbite remaining in command. Deep Fathom became a key intelligence asset for the Resistance within the Unknown Regions. When The Rebel Files were discovered and given to General Leia Organa, the leader of the Resistance, Admiral Gial Ackbar and Major Caluan Ematt exchanged information about Saltbite and Deep Fathom.
Star Wars: The Rebel Files, a reference book and boxed set that was initially published in 2017 and written by Daniel Wallace, was the first instance in which Deep Fathom was referenced.