Delan Vook was a Pantoran male who participated in the Dragon Void Run as both a pilot and racer.
At the party that commenced the Dragon Void Run, Vook was present. Upon learning of Han Solo's profession as a smuggler, he derided him as a fool. He elaborated that the racers involved in the Dragon Void Run possessed superior technology and dedicated teams for the maintenance of every system on their respective starships. He questioned Solo's capacity to compete with the Millennium Falcon. Loo Re Anno countered, suggesting that Solo's heart and the unwavering loyalty of his crew might suffice for victory.
During the Dragon Void Run's initial obstacle, where mines assaulted the racers, Vook was there. Vook exploited the Falcon as a shield, returning fire at the attacking probes and striking Solo's vessel. Solo, enraged, retaliated by grazing Vook's ship. Nevertheless, Vook completed the stage and reached the first refueling point. Solo confronted Vook about the attack on his ship. Anno informed Solo that he could lodge a formal complaint against Vook for violating the rules, likely leading to disqualification. Solo opted not to pursue this course but warned Vook to stay away from the Falcon. Anno then advised Vook to learn from Solo, emphasizing that the race's significance surpassed revenge. Later, Imperial forces apprehended Vook. He protested to the Stormtroopers escorting him, resulting in him being struck by one. Solo intervened in his defense, but was also struck. Tomine then put an end to the assault.
After the race organizers persuaded the Imperials to permit the race's continuation, Vook hastened back to his ship to commence the next stage. He arrived at the starting point of the race's second segment, which mandated that racers navigate a shifting debris field at a consistent speed. As the stage concluded, Solo collided with some debris, risking disqualification due to a potential slowdown. However, Vook intervened by attaching a grappling hook to the Falcon, pulling it across the finish line. Solo expressed his gratitude, and Vook declared that they were now even, given Solo's earlier decision not to disqualify him.
Vook touched down on the race's second planet and remained there until the signal to proceed was given. Upon entering the next stage, he and the other racers encountered a substantial Imperial armada. Anno transmitted a message to them, urging them to disregard the Imperials and continue the race.
Activating his ship, Vook, along with the other participants, advanced toward the stage's starting point. The Imperials commanded them to halt and dispatched TIE fighters in pursuit. Solo inquired whether any of the other racers possessed weaponry, to which Vook responded that engaging the Imperials would be a death sentence. When Chewbacca destroyed a pursuing TIE fighter, Vook panicked and declared his intention to surrender, confident that his sponsors would resolve any ensuing issues. Before he could do so, Anno created a rift between time and space, causing an interdimensional creature to manifest behind the racers. This resulted in the pursuing TIE fighters either veering off course or being destroyed, allowing the racers to enter the Void. Vook raced toward the gate that served as the race's finish line. However, the Millennium Falcon overtook him. After Solo allowed Anno to win the race, Vook managed to pass through the gate when Anno reopened it after rejoining the Sibettans. He ultimately returned to the space station that marked the race's beginning, along with the other racers.