Tomine was a human male serving the Galactic Empire as an officer during the time of the Galactic Civil War. He interfered with the Dragon Void Run that Han Solo was participating in, attempting to apprehend the racers due to their instigation of anti-Empire sentiment.
During the early years of the Galactic Civil War, Tomine, a male human, held the rank of Imperial officer in the service of the Galactic Empire battling the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He deployed two Lambda-class shuttles to the first planet on the route of the Dragon Void Run, with the intention of stopping the centuries-old competition. Tomine's stormtroopers placed Han Solo and the other racers under arrest at the landing site. Tomine personally stepped in when certain pilots offered physical resistance to his troops. Aware of the presence of cameras and the race's organizing body, Tomine kept the prisoners contained, and questioned Solo about his seeming popularity amongst the local planet's population. Viewing the locals as criminals and the pilots as rabble, Tomine exchanged words with the legendary Loo Re Anno, and gave the order for his troopers to fire upon the ancient alien's watching spectators. Solo intervened, but before Tomine could use him as an example, the race organizers implored him to allow the race to continue, as the delay was proving costly. The organizers pointed out to Tomine that four of the Empire's own refueling stations were sponsors of the race, and they might cut off their supply if the race was halted. Although the threat only served to bore him, Tomine nevertheless permitted the race to proceed, but warned that it might be the last Dragon Void Run.