Loo Re Anno, a Sibettan female, held a position of high esteem as a racer within the renowned Dragon Void Run. She was widely recognized throughout the Dragon Void as the most experienced and senior racer participating.
Born into the ancient Sibettan species during the era of the Galactic Civil War, Loo Re Anno's people had a deep love for high-speed flight. However, they typically flew alone. Her grandmother, a cartographer, played a key role in establishing the Dragon Void Run, a perilous competition that would span many years. Rejecting the solitary nature of her species, she aimed to foster a community, a family, through competitive racing. This vision transformed Loo Re's species, uniting its culture around this ideal, and shifting the race away from individual pursuits. Instead, her people revered the Dragon Void as a sacred tradition that pushed them to improve. Among them, a pilot's heart and the loyalty of their crew were often sufficient.
Despite this, Loo Re chose to disregard her grandmother's teachings, avoiding both friendship and community in her quest for self-discovery through solitude. Believing in the strength of isolation, Loo Re began flying solo, making her ship and the stars her home. Eventually, her race dwindled due to external influences and embarked on an exodus to another realm beyond the galaxy. Constructing a Gate at the end of the Dragon Void Run, they vanished into the spaces between space and time, disappearing from the outside world. Denied entry beyond the Gate, Loo Re became the last of her kind in the galaxy.
By the time of the Dragon Void Run attended by Han Solo during the Age of the Empire, Loo Re was celebrated as the greatest racer in the galaxy, as well as the oldest and the last of her species. Weary of her solitary existence, except for her witnesses, she intended this race to be her final one, expecting to either win or die. Her fellow racers placed bets on this being her last Run. She intervened in a dispute between newcomer Han Solo and Delan Vook, challenging the racers to question her abilities, and speculated that Solo might possess the necessary spirit to win. As the race commenced, the pilots were attacked by explosive probes and mines. Loo Re, however, reassured her witnesses by remaining composed, opting not to power her engines after realizing the mines targeted only powered ships. Solo followed suit, and Loo Re attached a line to the Corellian's Millennium Falcon, using his momentum to pull her ship through the static barrier to safety. Disconnecting, Loo Re thanked Solo and sped towards a brief rest stop on the next planet.
Upon landing, Loo Re discovered that Vook had fired on the Millennium Falcon during the minefield passage, and she reminded the Pantoran of the Dragon Void's code of conduct. She informed Solo that he could file a complaint against Vook, leading to his disqualification, but Solo prioritized the race over revenge—a lesson Loo Re hoped Vook would learn. An intervention by the Galactic Empire led to the brief arrest of the racers, which Loo Re accepted calmly, though she grew concerned when the Imperial officer Tomine threatened her friends. Fortunately, Solo defended her, and the race organizers persuaded Tomine to allow the racers to resume their run. As she departed the planet, Loo Re was contacted by Solo, who inquired about the witness that had attached itself to him. Loo Re informed him that she was in his debt for saving her friends, and promised to discuss it further after the upcoming trial.
The racers then embarked on a demanding twelve-hour journey through a debris field, requiring intense concentration. Loo Re persisted even as racers like Nadem Naz withdrew from the challenge. Once the field of pilots was reduced to a select few, Loo Re and her fellow competitors were granted an hour to refuel on the next planet. There, Loo Re's friend saved Solo from snooping cam droids by destroying them, allowing him to meet with the Rebel spy Dorae. However, the witness became worried and fetched Loo Re, who boarded the Falcon with the Twi'lek Starshot Team to break up a tense situation between Solo, Dorae, and Chewbacca. Wanting to avoid further conflict, Loo Re helped ease the tension and requested a private conversation with Solo. She questioned his motives for racing the Dragon Void and recognized similarities between him and her own people. Solo expressed sympathy for Loo Re's lack of companions, but the ancient being responded that, by flying with Solo, she was no longer alone.
As the final leg of the race began, Loo Re was confronted by an Imperial Star Destroyer above the planet. Remaining composed, she communicated with the other pilots, reminding them that the race was not yet over. Loo Re rallied the remaining ships, activating an energy field around her vessel that opened a window into the spaces between space and time, releasing a creature that began consuming the Imperial ships. Putting distance between themselves and the Empire, the racers entered the last and most dangerous trial of the Dragon Void, battling a region of space that rapidly depleted ship fuel.
Loo Re entered a final race against Solo for the Gate, flying side by side towards the ancient portal while Imperial pilots fired upon both vessels from behind. Loo Re's ship sustained damage, causing her to fall behind until Solo deliberately diverted from the Gate to confront the pursuing ships head-on, allowing her to win the race. Overjoyed at the prospect of returning home, Loo Re flew through the portal, disappearing into the spaces between space and time to reunite with her people. Finally able to rejoin her species, Loo Re gathered her people's ships to assist Solo one last time. Activating the Gate from the other side, Loo Re returned to the galaxy at the head of her fleet, which fired upon the Empire as the remaining racers fled into the Gate. While Solo and the others returned to the race's starting point, Loo Re remained with her people and her witnesses, seemingly vanishing from the galaxy.
Loo Re Anno, a member of an ancient species, was a tall humanoid with [blue](/article/color] skin and a slender build. Her head featured a large neck frill and a fin-like crest running down the back of her skull. Her two arms, marked with peach-colored mottling, split into two forearms at the elbow; the outer arm ended in a three-fingered hand, while the inner arm's hand had five slender fingers. Loo Re Anno had large, golden, orb-like eyes, white teeth, and a narrow waist. She was often surrounded by her friends, whom she treated with affection and protectiveness.
Loo Re Anno was a wise person who valued loyalty, skill, and heart among spacefarers. Racing was her life, even with its uncertainties, and she viewed the Dragon Void Run as a sacred ritual that reminded her of her potential for growth. Loo Re advocated for patience, even during races, and enjoyed hot drinks during flights. She was respected by her fellow racers. During the Galactic Civil War era, Loo Re was alone but took pride in her piloting abilities in the Dragon Void. She respected the race's rules and disapproved of unkindness towards other racers and her friends. She believed that youth was both a blessing and a burden.
Loo Re Anno's first appearance was in Han Solo 1, a 2016 comic book written by Marjorie Liu and illustrated by Mark Brooks.