Delaya was a location situated in the galaxy, not far from the planet known as Alderaan. During 0 BBY, Belaya Rist, who held the position of Chief Executive Officer at CryonCorp and harbored sympathies for the Rebel Alliance, observed the destruction of Alderaan while present on Delaya. Following the tragic annihilation of Alderaan, Rist extended an invitation to the Alliance, proposing that they commandeer numerous shipments containing her company's low-feedback scanners.
The initial reference to Delaya within the official Star Wars canon occurred in the 2016 sourcebook titled Forged in Battle. This book served as a supplementary material for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game system.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Delaya existed as a planet located within the Alderaan system. Its inaugural mention took place in Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, a 1989 roleplaying supplement penned by Michael Stern. This supplement was designed for utilization with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Subsequently, Delaya made its debut appearance in the 1998 video game titled Star Wars: Rebellion.