Low-feedback scanner

The low-feedback scanner, a sensor model produced by CryonCorp, was specifically designed for species sensitive to the electromagnetic spectrum, such as the Gotal. To prevent migraines and other adverse effects caused by the spectrum, it incorporated passive collection technologies. Its invisibility to Imperial sensor sweeps made this scanner a valuable asset for the Alliance to Restore the Republic's special forces.

During the Galactic Civil War in 0 BBY, CryonCorp's CEO, Belaya Rist, a rebel sympathizer, was present on Delaya, a nearby astrological object. While there, inspecting newly constructed manufacturing sites, she observed the destruction of Alderaan. The death of her close associate Bail Prestor Organa prompted her to invite the Rebel Alliance to commandeer a shipment of these low-feedback scanners.

Behind the scenes

The canon Star Wars universe first mentioned the low-feedback scanner in Forged in Battle, a 2016 sourcebook by Fantasy Flight Games for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game. Its original appearance was in the Star Wars Legends continuity, specifically within Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by Michael Stern, released by West End Games in 1990.


  • Forged in Battle (Initial Mention)

Notes and references
