During the initial period of the Galactic Empire, Demma Moll was a woman in her forties and served as the head of an Annoo resistance cell on her native planet of Annoo. She was also Kea Moll's mother.
Demma and Kea resided on their family's farm located on Annoo, and this created conflict with the gangster Sise Fromm, who desired to seize control of their land. Demma stood against the oppressive rule of both the criminal organizations and the Empire, believing that it was necessary to confront wickedness.
Upon learning that the Fromm Gang was in the process of building a formidable weapons satellite known as Trigon One, with the goal of dominating the other gangs, Demma entrusted Kea with the mission of locating and destroying Trigon One. With the help of speeder pilots Thall Joben and Jord Dusat, as well as their droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, Kea successfully infiltrated Tig Fromm's clandestine headquarters on Ingo and managed to steal Trigon One.
While Joben concealed the weapons satellite within a forest on Ingo, the Fromm Gang abducted Demma and Dusat from their farm. Joben made an agreement to disclose the satellite's location in return for their freedom. Tig Fromm proceeded to recover Trigon One, but Joben and R2-D2 had tampered with the guidance system, leading to the ship's collision with and destruction of Sise Fromm's base on Annoo.