Kea Moll

Kea Moll, a Human woman, was a member of an anti-Imperial resistance group operating on the Outer Rim world of Annoo in the early years of the Galactic Empire. She was born on Annoo circa 32 BBY. After seeing the Empire's cruelty on her planet of origin and other planets, Moll followed in her parents' footsteps and joined the resistance at fifteen. In 15 BBY, Moll's mother, Demma, dispatched her to Ingo with the mission to obliterate Trigon One, a powerful weapons platform being built by the Fromm Gang criminal organization as a power grab against rival gangs. After witnessing the Fromm Gang abduct Ingoian racer Jord Dusat, Moll aided Dusat's racing partner, Thall Joben, and their droids, C-3PO and R2-D2, in rescuing Dusat from the covert facility run by gang leader Sise Fromm's offspring, Tig.

Moll consented to transport her newfound companions to the Boonta Speeder Race, but a hyperdrive problem compelled them to seek repairs on Annoo. Joben and Dusat, upon learning of Moll's objective, offered their assistance. Moll, Joben, and the droids concealed themselves aboard Sise Fromm's vessel en route to Tig Fromm's base, from where they absconded with the Trigon One. The Fromms later apprehended Dusat and Demma Moll, leveraging them to force Joben to reveal the location of the stolen spacecraft. However, Joben had tampered with the ship; when Tig Fromm returned it to Annoo, its guidance systems failed, sending it on a crash course with Sise Fromm's headquarters. Moll and Joben rescued Dusat and Demma from the base just before its destruction.

Despite the Fromm Gang's attempts at retribution, Moll and her allies ultimately arrived at Boonta, where Joben secured victory in the Boonta Speeder Race. His triumph garnered the attention of Zebulon Dak, owner of Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation, who extended job offers to the group within his organization. Unbeknownst to her comrades, Dak was a resistance operative himself and had recruited Moll to conduct espionage on manufacturing plants loyal to the Empire. Moll later became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and, following the Alliance's transformation into the New Republic, became a founding member of the New Republic Intelligence Service.


Early life

Kea Moll, a Human woman born around 32 BBY, hailed from Annoo, a world situated in the Outer Rim Territories. She was brought up by her mother, Demma, and her father on the family's agricultural land located on her home planet. The young Moll dedicated substantial time working alongside her father on his vessel, a Corellian Engineering Corporation Starrunner-class vessel known as the Sand Sloth, until she gained a thorough understanding of its systems. She began flying at a young age, using her free time from farming to hone her skills, eventually becoming a skilled pilot.

Around 19 BBY, when Moll was approximately thirteen years old, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic proclaimed himself Emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Moll's parents were among those who opposed Imperial rule and subsequently joined a local resistance cell, establishing their base in a concealed room with a secret entrance from the farm's sand sloth stables. However, they kept their involvement in the resistance hidden from Moll to protect her. Tragically, her father was killed during a failed operation against an Imperial target. When Moll reached fifteen, her mother revealed the truth to her. Having personally witnessed the numerous atrocities committed by the Empire on Annoo and other planets, Moll resolved to join her mother's organization and contribute to their struggle against the Empire.

Mission to Ingo

The Annoo resistance opposed not only the Empire. The Fromm Gang, a criminal syndicate, had its base on Annoo. Its leader, Sise Fromm, used fear to control several planets near the Annoo system. The Fromm Gang also aimed to seize the Moll family farm. In 15 BBY, the resistance discovered that the Fromm Gang was constructing a potent weapons platform, the Trigon One, within the secret base managed by Sise Fromm's son, Tig, on the planet Ingo. The Fromms intended to use this new weapon to dominate their rival gangs, and the resistance feared that the Trigon One would be a threat to the galaxy if it fell into the wrong hands. At seventeen, Moll was assigned her first solo mission: to travel to Ingo and destroy the Trigon One.

Moll hunts for Tig Fromm's base.

Moll, choosing the Sand Sloth as her ship after her father's death, journeyed to Tig Fromm's base in the Vaj Desert on Ingo. While observing the facility, Moll noticed two speeders, piloted by Thall Joben and Jord Dusat of the local racing team, accompanied by their droids C-3PO and R2-D2, entering the base's restricted security zone. The automated defenses launched seeker probes at the intruders, and Moll realized that the racers would die without her intervention. Joben evaded his pursuers, although C-3PO was ejected from his speeder during the chase. As Joben raced to aid Dusat, who had been forced to abandon his speeder due to the seeker probes' destruction, a sentry droid approached C-3PO, preparing to fire a seeker probe. Moll swiftly equipped her sawed-off blaster cannon and destroyed the sentry droid before it could fire. Joben and Dusat soon returned in Joben's speeder to retrieve C-3PO, and the entire group departed before more droids arrived, unaware of Moll's assistance.

Tig Fromm, concerned that the racers knew the location of his secret base and might lead a rival gang to the Trigon One, dispatched muscle droids to capture them at their speeder shop. Moll followed the racers and observed the speeder shop as Fromm's droids arrived, shortly after Joben, C-3PO, and R2-D2 left for the evening. Unable to assist Dusat, Moll witnessed his capture by Fromm's droids, emerging only when Joben and the droids, realizing they were being followed by more of Fromm's droids, returned too late to warn Dusat. Claiming that her ship had been grounded on the salt flats due to engine failure and that she had sought a mechanic at the speeder shop, Moll informed Joben of Dusat's capture. R2-D2 soon detected the approach of more muscle droids, and Joben left the shop to retrieve his waiting speeder, only to find it had been sabotaged. The muscle droids closed in on Joben, but Moll spotted another speeder, the White Witch, inside the garage and drove it outside to rescue Joben by ramming the approaching droids.

Moll wrestles with a security droid.

The next day, Moll accompanied Joben and the droids in the White Witch to rescue Dusat from Tig Fromm's base. After R2-D2 infiltrated the base, the droid accessed its computer system and located the detention area where Dusat was held. The astromech droid returned to the others, and the group took the White Witch to a nearby cave that R2-D2 had determined led into the base's network of service tubes. While Joben and R2-D2 proceeded towards the detention area in the speeder, Moll and C-3PO remained in one of the control stations in the service tubes, using the systems to redirect elevator and freight traffic out of the White Witch's path. Before long, they were confronted by a Boiler droid, which inquired about their identity. C-3PO claimed they were the maintenance crew attempting to repair the automatic service systems. When the other droid stated it was the maintenance crew, C-3PO claimed that he and Moll were from security and that the control systems had been sabotaged. Their lie was exposed when a real security droid entered, and the maintenance droid attempted to activate the alarm. Moll fought the security droid, but she was quickly overpowered. However, when the maintenance droid charged C-3PO, the protocol droid moved, causing the maintenance unit to crash into the security droid, destroying both.

Moll returned to the controls and noticed Dusat was being moved, so she instructed Joben to fly up a nearby elevator shaft to his location. Joben rescued Dusat, and they headed back to Moll, but security was alerted to their presence. Moll and C-3PO redirected the security droids to clear a path for the White Witch, but as they left the control room, they encountered two security droids outside. C-3PO grabbed Moll and pretended to have captured her, then directed the other droids to pursue her accomplices down the service tube. They were led into the path of the White Witch, which collided with and destroyed both. The group proceeded to the sentry droid hangar and discovered that the droids within were deactivated. However, when they opened the hangar door, they found a group of droid cruisers waiting. C-3PO used the override controls for the sentinel droids to reactivate them, causing them to engage the droid cruisers. With the ensuing battle as a diversion, Joben flew the White Witch out of the base, and the group escaped.

Return to Annoo

Moll agreed to transport Joben and Dusat to Boonta, where they planned to enter the White Witch in the local speeder race. However, a hyperdrive malfunction left them stranded, so Moll returned to Annoo to retrieve a new hyperdrive. News of their arrival reached Sise Fromm, and his agents attempted to apprehend them at the spaceport. R2-D2 feigned a malfunction, creating a diversion that allowed the group to escape and seek refuge at Demma Moll's farm.

Moll and Joben sneak aboard Sise Fromm's starship in cargo containers.

The party arrived while Demma Moll was away, and her daughter advised the others to rest until her return. That night, a Fromm assassin droid infiltrated the farm and attempted to gas Joben in his sleep. He only caught a partial dose before C-3PO and R2-D2 interrupted the assassin. The droids rushed to his aid but were no match for the assassin, which turned its attention back to Joben. However, the commotion caught Moll's attention; as the assassin droid prepared to throw Joben into the wall, Moll entered and shot it with her paralyser disc. When Demma returned, Moll and her mother told Joben and Dusat about Moll's mission to Ingo. Moll intended to return to Ingo to destroy the Trigon One before it left for Sise Fromm's stronghold on Annoo.

The next morning, while Joben recovered from the gas attack, Moll and Dusat set off early in the White Witch to sneak aboard Sise Fromm's starship, disguised as spaceport workers, as he prepared to travel to Ingo to inspect the Trigon One. Moll planned to use a thermal detonator to destroy the weapons satellite. Upon reaching the spaceport, they were captured by one of Fromm's guards, but Joben and the droids arrived and surprised the guard, incapacitating him. Joben devised a plan to sneak aboard Fromm's ship. Moll entrusted the thermal detonator to C-3PO, while she and Joben hid inside cargo containers. Dusat remained to watch over Moll's mother, while the droids loaded their "cargo" aboard Fromm's ship.

During the trip to Ingo, a meteor storm struck the ship, tearing the cargo containers free and scattering them, leaving Moll and Joben with minor bruises. After arriving at Tig Fromm's base, the droids found the containers with the two Humans. Claiming they contained parts for the Trigon One, the droids obtained security clearance from Tig Fromm's bodyguard, Vlix Oncard, and proceeded to the hangar where the weapons satellite was undergoing final construction. Along the way, two guards confronted them. Unaware the cylinder C-3PO carried was a thermal detonator, the guards threw it around, activating its timer. By the time the droids reached the hangar, only five minutes remained until detonation.

As Moll and Joben emerged from the cargo containers, security was alerted. With no other escape, Moll provided covering fire while Joben affixed the thermal detonator to the hangar door. The group boarded the Trigon One and flew it into space, using its laser cannons to destroy Fromm's pursuing droid starfighters. Moll hoped to use the captured vessel against the other gangs, but Joben persuaded her it was too dangerous for anyone to control and had to be destroyed. Content that the Fromm Gang's threat had been eliminated, Moll agreed.

The fall of the Fromm Gang

At some point after the group stole the Trigon One, Moll was kidnapped by Sise Fromm's agents and held prisoner at his headquarters while Fromm demanded Joben and Dusat return the Trigon One in exchange for her release. However, R2-D2 and C-3PO infiltrated Fromm's headquarters and rescued Moll, safely returning her to her friends.

Moll and Joben are held captive by Tig Fromm.

Concerned the Fromm Gang would attempt to recapture their weapons satellite, Moll wanted to accompany Joben while he and R2-D2 hid the vessel until it could be destroyed. Joben, however, felt it would be safer if only he knew the ship's location and dropped Moll and C-3PO at the speeder shop on Ingo before leaving to hide the Trigon One. While the pair watched R2-D2's favorite program on an old subspace receiver, C-3PO accidentally tuned into Tig Fromm's private frequency, learning that Vlix Oncard had the speeder shop surrounded. As the Fromm Gang's Annoo-dat Blue gangsters opened fire, Joben and R2-D2 returned and picked up Moll and C-3PO in Joben's landspeeder. The group sped away, but the Fromms pursued and channeled them into a dead end. Oncard's troops captured Moll and the others and took them back to the speeder shop, where Tig Fromm awaited them.

Joben initially refused to cooperate, but Fromm revealed that Demma and Dusat had been captured and were being held at Sise's base on Annoo. Moll broke free from her guard and charged at Fromm, but, with her hands bound, only succeeded in knocking him to the floor. Joben eventually agreed to reveal the Trigon One's location in exchange for Demma and Dusat's release, but only to Sise Fromm himself. The prisoners were subsequently loaded aboard a Lambda-class shuttle for the journey to Annoo. While in transit, Moll attempted to find a way to escape and retrieve the Trigon One to rescue her mother and Dusat, but Joben assured her he already had a plan.

Moll is reunited with her mother.

After arriving on Annoo, Moll and the other prisoners were taken before Sise Fromm, who refused to release Demma and Dusat until he possessed the Trigon One. To Moll's surprise, Joben revealed the weapons satellite was hidden in the Jarl forest on Ingo. While Oncard and the younger Fromm left to retrieve the ship, Moll asked about her mother, but Sise Fromm refused to release her and ordered them locked up while he worked out what Joben was up to. They were taken to a detention area, where Dusat was also held, and placed in restraints. As Dusat explained Demma had been taken away for interrogation, R2-D2 and C-3PO devised an escape plan. Luring their jailer into the cell, the droids incapacitated him with a spray of foam from R2-D2. The astromech droid then used his fusioncutter to free Joben from his restraints, before Joben freed Moll and Dusat.

As the group escaped, Joben explained his plan. He and R2-D2 had sabotaged the guidance system on the Trigon One; when Tig Fromm returned, the vessel would be locked on a collision course to destroy Sise Fromm's stronghold. With less than an hour until the Trigon One arrived, R2-D2 accessed the base's computer to locate the interrogation cells, and Joben instructed the others to steal a fast ship while he rescued Demma. Moll, however, refused to leave her mother and insisted on accompanying him. The pair soon reached the interrogation cells but were confronted by a pair of boiler droids. At that moment, C-3PO and R2-D2 arrived aboard a hoversled, sent to help after Dusat found a suitable ship, and crashed their transport into the two droids as Moll and Joben leaped to safety. Finding Demma in one of the interrogation cells, Moll and her mother had an emotional reunion, before the whole group set off to rendezvous with Dusat in the hangar.

Along the way, Joben set off the evacuation alarm, causing mass panic among base personnel that allowed the rebels to escape detection. They soon arrived at the hangar to find Dusat attempting to hot-wire a starship. Using C-3PO's servomotors to complete the circuit, the group escaped the hangar moments before the Trigon One collided with the base, destroying both and effectively ending the Fromm Gang.

Showdown on Boonta

Moll struggles to control the Sand Sloth during the Fromm attack.

With the destruction of the Trigon One, Moll and her companions pressed onward to Boonta, anticipating the upcoming Boonta Speeder Race. Beyond offering assistance to her friends, Moll aimed to connect with Zebulon Dak, the proprietor of Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation and a covert resistance member who utilized his enterprise as a front for his clandestine activities. As C-3PO and R2-D2 were fastening the White Witch to the Sand Sloth's exterior in preparation for hyperspace travel, Tig Fromm's shuttle, known as the Voor Viper, launched an assault on their vessel. Moll's attempt to engage the hyperdrive proved futile due to its unresponsiveness. Consequently, the Fromms inflicted damage upon one of the Sand Sloth's engines before R2-D2 managed to activate the hyperdrive through external controls. Upon emerging from hyperspace near Boonta, Moll guided the ship into the atmosphere; however, the damage incurred during the previous attack severely impaired its handling and disabled the landing gear, compelling her to execute a crash landing within a junkyard.

Having evacuated the damaged ship, the group encountered Proto One, the junkyard's droid owner, who proposed to repair the Sand Sloth. Moll consented to this arrangement before departing with the others to seek medical attention at a nearby medical unit for Dusat's arm, which had sustained injury during the Fromm's assault. The severity of the injury necessitated an overnight stay at the medical unit, effectively disqualifying him from participating in the race. While Joben possessed the capability to take over piloting duties in the race, the White Witch had suffered damage during the landing and required repairs. During their time at the medical unit, C-3PO encountered a droid named BL-17. Upon learning of the group's predicament, BL-17 informed C-3PO that his master, who was currently away, owned a garage that could be utilized for repairing the White Witch. Unbeknownst to them, BL-17 was under the employ of the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who had been commissioned by Sise Fromm to pursue the rebels; Joben and Moll accepted the droid's proposition.

During Joben's absence, Moll and R2-D2 initiated repairs on the landspeeder. However, BL-17 deliberately triggered a gas leak from a welding tank, resulting in Moll losing consciousness. Unable to unlock the garage door, R2-D2 employed a machine-lifter to breach the door and rescue Moll. Joben returned shortly thereafter and transported Moll to the medical unit. Upon their return, they learned from R2-D2 that C-3PO and BL-17 had relocated the White Witch to a nearby processing plant. The astromech droid guided them to the White Witch, where the trio discovered BL-17 aiming a blaster at C-3PO and Proto One. Capitalizing on BL-17's distraction, C-3PO shoved him into a heap of scrap machinery, causing it to collapse and destroy the droid. Moments later, Boba Fett initiated an attack on Moll and Joben from an elevated walkway. Instructing Moll and the droids to seek cover, Joben raced towards the White Witch in an attempt to draw Fett away. Fett pursued in his Silver Speeder as Joben made his way to the race track before the commencement of the Boonta Speeder Race.

Moll and her friends celebrate Joben's victory.

After Joben's departure, Proto One disclosed that he had witnessed Tig Fromm planting a thermal detonator on the White Witch, programmed to detonate after the tenth and final lap of the Boonta Speeder Race. Moll and the droids hurried to warn Joben but arrived with only three laps remaining. However, Fett had followed Joben into the race, and his attempts to destroy the White Witch dislodged the detonator. Fett's own landspeeder was destroyed in the ensuing explosion, while Joben proceeded to secure victory in the race. As Moll celebrated with Joben and the others, they were approached by Zebulon Dak, who extended job offers to Joben and Dusat, inviting them to design and engineer landspeeders.

As Moll and her companions prepared to depart from Boonta, they were once again confronted by Sise Fromm, Tig Fromm, and Vlix Oncard. The intervention of an armed Proto One prompted the Annoo-dat Blue gangsters to flee, but they were swiftly apprehended by Boba Fett, who resolved to deliver them to rival crime lord Jabba the Hutt as recompense for the loss of his droid and landspeeder. Following his departure from Boonta aboard the Sand Sloth, Joben expressed his concerns that Dak's company policy would mandate memory wipes for C-3PO and R2-D2. The Humans collectively agreed to decline the job offers rather than subject their friends to reprogramming. However, the droids overheard the conversation and elected to depart in an escape pod to avoid impeding their friends' progress.

With the droids gone, Joben and Dusat assumed their positions at Zebulon Dak Speeder Corporation. Moll also received a job offer from Dak, though her friends remained unaware of her true role; she was tasked with conducting espionage on manufacturing plants loyal to the Empire, including Balmorran Arms and Millennium Engineering.

At some point, C-3PO and R2-D2 paid a visit to Moll on Annoo. During their visit, the group was ambushed by Oncard, who sought a datacard in Moll's possession containing instructions for constructing a nuclear missile. Moll and the droids were captured and transported to Tig Fromm. En route, however, R2-D2 duplicated the contents of the datacard, and C-3PO erased the original. Upon reaching Fromm, Moll agreed to surrender the now-empty datacard, and Fromm released the group.

Moll subsequently joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a coalition that united disparate resistance factions against the Empire. Following the demise of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Rebel Alliance transformed into the New Republic. Moll continued her service to the new government as an agent of the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network and later as a founding member of the New Republic Intelligence Service.

Personality and traits

Kea Moll

In her youth, Kea Moll possessed an athletic build and was regarded as beautiful, characterized by fair skin, blue eyes, and brown hair distinguished by a white streak. Through her work on the Sand Sloth alongside her father, she gained comprehensive knowledge of the ship's systems and dedicated considerable time to practice flights, honing her skills in piloting both spacecraft and landspeeders. Following her father's passing, the Sand Sloth became her preferred vessel. Moll was still young when the Empire ascended to power, but she witnessed its actions on Annoo and other worlds, fostering her opposition to Imperial rule. When her mother disclosed the existence of the Annoo resistance when she was only fifteen, Moll readily agreed to join and support her mother's cause.

Moll was resolute in her determination to thwart the Fromm Gang's rise to prominence and embarked on her mission to destroy the Trigon One at the age of seventeen. Upon capturing the ship with the assistance of Joben and the droids, she initially intended to utilize it against rival gangs until Joben convinced her of the inherent danger in allowing it to be controlled by anyone. Moll demonstrated unwavering loyalty to those she held dear. She suspended her mission to aid Joben in rescuing Dusat from Tig Fromm's base and willingly relinquished the opportunity to collaborate with Zebulon Dak rather than subject C-3PO and R2-D2 to reprogramming.

In addition to her piloting and astrogation expertise, Moll possessed proficiency in utilizing a variety of weaponry, including her sawed-off blaster cannon and paralyser disc. She was adept in computer operation and agricultural farming and was fluent in Dat-an alongside Galactic Basic Standard.


Moll typically wore a utility belt to carry an assortment of small equipment, including electrobinoculars, a hold-out blaster, or a paralyser disc. Moll was well-equipped for her work with the resistance and had access to heavier weaponry when necessary, including fragmentation grenades, thermal detonators, and a sawed-off blaster cannon.

The Sand Sloth

The Sand Sloth was a Corellian Engineering Corporation Starrunner-class starship that served as the Moll family's primary mode of transport. The ship had a length of thirty-one meters, was armed with both laser and ion cannons, and featured a Class 2 hyperdrive complemented by a Class 12 backup hyperdrive. Capable of accommodating a single pilot and six passengers, the ship could transport twenty tons of cargo and sustain its occupants for three months. Moll dedicated a significant portion of her youth to learning about the Sand Sloth while assisting her father in its maintenance. Upon his death, she inherited the vessel and utilized it during her mission to Ingo.

Behind the scenes

Kea Moll was conceived for Nelvana's animated series Star Wars: Droids, making her debut in the episode "The White Witch," penned by Peter Sauder and initially broadcast on September 7, 1985. Moll played a pivotal role throughout the show's inaugural story arc, appearing in subsequent episodes such as "Escape Into Terror," "The Trigon Unleashed," and "A Race to the Finish." Lesleh Donaldson provided the voice for Moll in the Nelvana series. Lesleh Donaldson was brought in to replace another actress since Donaldson's voice was felt to better suit the character.

Moll also featured in a series of picture book adaptations of the Droids episodes published by Dragon Picture Books in 1987 and The White Witch: A Droid Adventure, a 1986 adaptation of the series' opening episode, written by Emily James and published by Random House. Since then, the character has been referenced in several reference works, including entries in A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (1994), the Star Wars Encyclopedia (1998), A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded (2000), and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008). Moll's backstory was further developed in the 2004 article "Star Wars Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO," authored by Rich Handley and Abel G. Peña and published in Polyhedron 170. A Kea Moll action figure was released as part of Kenner's 1985 Star Wars: Droids toy line.

Promotional image for Star Wars: Droids with a possible early design for Kea Moll

While Moll is depicted with blue eyes in the animated series and its adaptations, she is illustrated with brown eyes in Jeff Carlisle's artwork for the Polyhedron 170 article. Moll's ship was designated the Star Runner in the second edition of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe and both the Star Wars Encyclopedia and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. However, the Polyhedron 170 article identifies it as the Starrunner-class starship Sand Sloth. When illustrating the article, Carlisle drew inspiration from a promotional image for Star Wars: Droids that appeared in Starlog magazine, which depicted what Carlisle speculated was an early design for Moll.

The White Witch: A Droid Adventure presents a condensed version of the events depicted in "The White Witch." In the book, Moll merely observes as Joben and Dusat evade the initial attack near Tig Fromm's base. She later introduces herself to Joben and the droids as they traverse a dark alley after departing from the speeder shop, and the group witnesses Fromm and Oncard entering the speeder shop and abducting Dusat. As Moll joins Joben in his mission to rescue Dusat, she informs him about the Trigon One before guiding him into Fromm's base through the service tunnel. After R2-D2 utilizes the base computer to pinpoint Dusat's location, the entire group proceeds to his cell, where the astromech droid employs a laser beam to cut through the bars before they escape. Droids (Plaza Joven book), a Spanish picture book adaptation of the same episode, also contains some differences to the episode. In this version, Moll was aware of Tig Fromm's secret base but was unaware of the Trigon One. After R2-D2 infiltrates the base, he opens the door to allow Moll, Joben and C-3PO to enter, but Fromm's guards are immediately alerted to the intruders. Abel G. Peña, who translated Droids into English in 2014, speculated that such differences may be due to the novelization being based on an early script rather than the final episode. In the Spanish book Kea Moll's name is written as "Ca Mol."

In 1986, Spanish publisher Editorial Gepsa released a comic series called MyComyc featuring characters from popular cartoon series, including Star Wars: Droids and Ewoks, in a number of two-page adventures. The comics were unknown in the United States until 2013, when Dark Horse Comics Vice President of Publishing Randy Stradley explored the possibility of republishing them. However, Lucasfilm staff were unable to find proof that the comics were licensed, and they are considered ambiguously canon. Moll was featured in the MyComyc stories Kea Kidnapped and The Secret Disk. Both comics depict events which are not shown in the television series, and their chronological placement is unclear. Abel G. Peña, who translated the comics to English, has commented that Kea Kidnapped may be an alternate retelling of events in the Droids cartoon.

