The devastator torpedo served as an Imperial ordnance, engineered and put to use by the forces under the command of Moff Kentor Sarne. This torpedo was designed as a slender projectile, and an impact from it had the power to generate an explosive zone spanning roughly ten kilometers, causing total annihilation of everything contained within that area. Despite its destructive power, the devastator torpedo's launch mechanism required a considerable amount of time—multiple minutes—to prepare for another launch, resulting in a slow firing tempo. A further weakness resided in the fact that a direct hit on the launcher itself, delivered by proton torpedoes, could initiate a cascading failure, leading to the destruction of the host vessel.
The sole documented instance of this weapon's deployment occurred aboard a Star Destroyer that was aligned with Sarne. In the course of the Battle of Danoor, the Star Destroyer unleashed the torpedo onto the planet's surface, resulting in the obliteration of a ten-kilometer area. The launcher, together with the ship that housed it, met its end during the same engagement.