Battle of Danoor

The clash known as the Battle of Danoor involved the New Republic ship, the FarStar, against forces loyal to Moff Kentor Sarne. The Danoor Resistance, along with their allies, the enigmatic Aing-Tii, aided the FarStar in this conflict.

Lead-up to the Battle

Back in 8 ABY, the Imperial warship Lialic II, disguised as the Lance of Endor, entered the Nah'Malis system and made a series of unreasonable demands upon the government of Danoor, all while falsely claiming to represent the New Republic. Captain Rolf Treidum, the commander of the Lialic II, was deliberately attempting to incite anger and distrust towards the New Republic by impersonating its officials.

Despite his deceptive actions, Treidum revealed his true allegiance to Minister Waric Nane. Treidum entrusted Nane with a communication device, enabling him to contact the Empire should the need arise. His sole request was that Nane alert him immediately if the FarStar were to appear. Nane consented to this arrangement.

A week later, when the FarStar did indeed arrive, Nane activated the device and began to delay the New Republic vessel, buying time until Imperial reinforcements could arrive.

The Actual Combat

While in orbit around Danoor, the FarStar's crew transmitted Minister Mooren's message into the Kathol Rift, fulfilling his request. Just as Captain Adrimetrum was preparing to depart the system, the Lialic II emerged from behind the third planet and initiated an attack on the New Republic ship. As the two vessels exchanged fire, six Headhunters from the Danoor Resistance ascended from the planet's surface to provide support to the FarStar.

Not long after the Danoor Resistance fighters joined the fray, a squadron of six TIE/IN interceptors materialized, engaging the FarStar and its allies. Lieutenant Darryn Thyte, the operations officer aboard the FarStar, deduced that these starfighters could not have reached the system without a larger vessel, and that the Lialic II was incapable of carrying them.

An Star Destroyer then entered the battle, prompting Adrimetrum to order the launch of the FarStar's own starfighters to confront it. During the engagement, the Star Destroyer unleashed a novel weapon—a devastator torpedo—upon the planet. The resulting explosion obliterated everything within a ten-kilometer radius, causing the surviving Danoor Resistance fighters to disengage from the battle and rush towards the planet.

Finally, the Resistance's singular ally made its presence known. A Sanhedrim ship belonging to the mysterious Aing-Tii emerged from the Kathol Rift and immediately targeted the Lialic II. The Aing-Tii ship rammed the Lialic II, completely destroying it while sustaining minimal damage itself. With this new threat on the scene, the Star Destroyer shifted its focus, giving the FarStar's starfighters a crucial opportunity. With impeccable timing, the New Republic fighters managed to launch proton torpedoes directly into the devastator torpedo launcher's firing tube, triggering a catastrophic chain reaction that resulted in the Star Destroyer's destruction.

With all hostiles eliminated, the FarStar was then permitted to enter the Rift and proceed with its mission.

What Happened Afterwards

In the wake of the battle, the threat to Danoor was neutralized, though the planet paid a price for its defiance. The FarStar, having survived the encounter, was free to venture into the Kathol Rift and continue its pursuit of Moff Kentor Sarne.

Behind the Curtains

The role-playing game adventure Galaxy's Edge presents an alternate outcome to the battle. Should the player characters fail to destroy the Star Destroyer, the Aing-Tii ship will instead ram the larger vessel. The resulting massive explosion will obliterate both ships.

