Minister Mooren was a male Human originating from the planet of Danoor. As one of the four ministers governing the world, he, along with his colleagues, held responsibility for the welfare of half a million people.
Mooren was also part of the Danoor Resistance, standing against Minister Waric Nane's scheme to establish a totalitarian government across the planet. Knowing Nane had conferred with a representative of the Galactic Empire, he worried that Nane had made an agreement to suppress the Resistance. Fortunately, the arrival of the FarStar filled him with optimism, and he tried to enlist its crew to their cause. At a meeting with the crew's delegates, Mooren purposefully left a datapad on his seat for them to find. The datapad contained encrypted data about the agreement between Nane and the Empire, and a request to send a message from particular coordinates into the Kathol Rift to summon the Resistance's only ally for assistance.
During the Battle of Danoor, Mooren, a skilled pilot, commanded six of the Resistance's modified Headhunters against Imperial forces. Nevertheless, they broke off the engagement when a Devastator torpedo launched from a Star Destroyer struck the planet's surface.