Devotek, hailing from the Sith Empire, was a Human Sith who identified as male.
For a period of 24 years throughout the Great Galactic War, Devotek distinguished himself as a respected Sith champion. However, his life took a tragic turn when a critical assignment led to the demise of a thousand Imperial soldiers. Overwhelmed by remorse and shame, Devotek faced imprisonment and banishment to Korriban during the era of the Cold War.
In the year 3643 BBY, Devotek's presence was noted among a group of captives under the supervision of Jailer Knash within the confines of the Sith Academy. Upon the arrival of an unidentified Sith Acolyte, Devotek desperately pleaded with the newcomer for the opportunity to prove himself in a trial by combat. His motivation stemmed from a longing for freedom and a glimmer of hope to escape Korriban with his life. Disregarding Devotek's fervent appeal, the Sith Acolyte ended his life by employing Force choking and driving their weapon into his neck. Overseer Tremel applauded this action, dismissing Devotek as a worthless individual deserving of annihilation.
When interacting with Devotek, the Sith Warrior is presented with a trio of choices. The player has the option to execute him without ceremony, sealing his disgrace (Dark Side); grant his wish for a combat-related death, honoring his request (Dark Side); or condemn him to continued confinement, leaving him to languish in his cell (Light Side).