Diatium power cell

KyloRenLightsaber-TFA Diagram of Kylo Ren's lightsaber showing the bronze diatium power cell A diatium power source, alternatively referred to as a diatium power core, functioned as an energy provider. They were well-suited for use as the primary energy source within lightsabers. One such power source was utilized in the first lightsaber that Obi-Wan Kenobi wielded as a Jedi, encased by a notched hand grip. A high-output diatium power cell was incorporated into Darth Vader's lightsaber. Vader's grandson, Ben Solo, also employed a lightsaber that contained a bronze-colored diatium power cell embedded in its hilt, both during his Jedi training under Luke Skywalker's revived Jedi Order and following his descent to the dark side as Kylo Ren. Beyond their application in lightsabers, these power cells found utility in other armaments, for instance, Jannah's energy bow.

