Do No Harm

title: "Do No Harm"

"Do No Harm" is a brief tale penned by Erin Endom. Its initial appearance was within the pages of Star Wars Adventure Journal 10, brought to readers by West End Games back in May of 1996. Subsequently, it found a place in the compilation of short stories titled Tales from the Empire, released by Bantam Spectra during November of 1997. Later still, it was digitally archived at Hyperspace on September 11 of 2006.

Story Summary

Aurin Leith, a physician, is summoned to the office of Commander Briessen. She learns that she will be temporarily assigned to Lieutenant Koris Haslam's squad. Their objective: to infiltrate the Selnesh Imperial Detention Center and extract Gebnerret Vibrion, a captured leader of the Rebel Alliance. However, due to Vibrion's suffering from Zithrom's syndrome, she is told that she might need to euthanize him to prevent suffering or the revealing of crucial information during interrogation.

She attends the mission briefing and is introduced to the other members of the team: Melenna Seltrayne, Gowan Ch'lessan, Barsoulentinial Enkhet, and Liak. Haslam outlines the plan: rescue Vibrion if feasible, eliminate him if required. Following the plan's explanation, Haslam dismisses the team, engaging in a private discussion with Leith. She questions how things would proceed if she couldn't make Vibrion well enough for transport. The lieutenant confesses his preference for a medical droid, as it could be programmed to eliminate the patient without hesitation. Haslam inquires if the doctor could administer something to Vibrion that would result in a swift and painless death, but Leith declines. She cites her medical oath, "First, do no harm." Haslam reluctantly accepts that he might have to shoot Vibrion. Leith suggests administering a dose of conergin to Vibrion, which would render him unconscious and be more humane.

During their journey to Selnesh, Leith dedicates time to inspecting her medpac and familiarizing herself with the hold-out blaster given to her by Seltrayne. Upon arriving at the planet, they infiltrate the prison. Leith, feigning as a prisoner, is escorted to a cell, exhibiting nervousness. Haslam confidently bluffs the guards, asserting that he is part of Intelligence and requires privacy with the prisoners for interrogation. The guards depart, and Gowan disables the security cameras. He also hacks into the computer system to pinpoint Vibrion's cell location. Gowan remains behind to continue working on the computer, while the rest of the team proceeds to Vibrion's cell. Haslam unlocks the cell, and Leith immediately begins assessing the prisoner's condition. She administers Clondex and carefully monitors his vital signs. After stabilizing Vibrion, the team departs, utilizing a repair access tunnel to return to the docking bay.

As the team navigates the tunnels, Leith begins to relax, but Seltrayne becomes increasingly agitated, fearing discovery due to the time they are taking. Nearing the docking bay, the team prepares to make a dash for their shuttle. Vibrion takes a seat, and Leith attends to him. While doing so, she notices stormtroopers approaching stealthily. She draws her blaster and shoots the first stormtrooper, taking him down. The rest of the team quickly understands that they are under attack and return fire. The team successfully eliminates the stormtroopers and fights their way to their shuttle, escaping to safety. During the return flight, Leith contemplates the killing of the stormtrooper. Ch'lessan offers comfort, explaining that death is a part of war and that the medic did what was necessary. Upon returning to base, Leith was presented with the Field Achievement Award.

