Doctor Aphra #4 represents the fourth installment of the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. Alyssa Wong is the writer, Marika Cresta provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics released it on September 30, 2020. The narrative, titled "Fortune and Fate Part 4: The Deal," depicts Chelli Aphra and her associates fleeing from Vaale, while Just Lucky negotiates an agreement with Ronen Tagge.
A CIRCLE OF INFERNO! Having been ensnared and double-crossed, DOCTOR APHRA struggles to break free from the doomed metropolis of VAALE before losing her sanity! Meanwhile, RONEN TAGGE's malevolent scheme concerning the RINGS OF VAALE nears its realization. Can Aphra prevent him before it's too late?
- UPC 759606097241; September 30 , 2020; Marvel Comics ; Initial print run [1] 00411; Cover A; Valentina Remenar 00421; Cover B; Tula Lotay