Doodnik's Café, a dining establishment shaped like a small torpedo, was situated on the planet of Tyne's Horky. Doodnik Sharpelz, the irritable Jillsarian owner, typically served Supernova or Photon fizzles from behind the counter.
Before the Galactic Civil War took place, Doodnik briefly became the owner of the droids known as C-3PO and R2-D2. He employed them as servers, but by day's end, he no longer wanted them because R2 started spilling beverages on the patrons.
Many shady deals on Tyne's Horky were negotiated at Doodnik's. A Tammuz-an alien, Sollag Den, once met with bounty hunter Kleb Zellock there and hired him to find the missing Tammuz-an prince named Mon Julpa.
Doodnik's also became the location of a fight between Jann Tosh, a local miner, and some thugs working for Zellock. Jessica Meade, a freighter captain, dramatically entered Doodnik's and saved the young Jann's life.
Doodnik enjoyed providing occasional live music for his clientele. The Max Rebo Band was known to perform at the diner from time to time. Doodnik once mentioned that Kleb Zellock owned a portion of the diner.
Doodnik's was more famous for its drinks than its food. Some of the more popular drinks available at the diner included: