A male scientist of the Human species, Dorotsech served the Sith Empire during the era of the Cold War circa 3643 BBY. He engineered the cyber neutralizer, a device capable of killing or weakening beings with bodies comprised of at least half cybernetics. Held prisoner within Lord Grathan's estate, Dorotsech met his end when Lord Zash's apprentice arrived to seize his creation. The apprentice eliminated Dorotsech to prevent him from being a witness after the device had been taken, and that was the only reason for the apprentice's presence.
Dorotsech, a male Human, was a scientist in the service of the Sith on their [capital](/article/capital-legends] planet, Dromund Kaas. By the time of the Cold War, a conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, he had a wife, children, and an astromech droid. Around 3643 BBY, he was captured by the renegade Sith Lord Grathan and confined to his estate. There, Lord Zash tasked him with developing the cyber neutralizer, a weapon designed to kill or weaken beings composed of at least fifty percent cybernetics, a purpose Dorotsech preferred to remain ignorant of. Zash intended to use this weapon against her rival, Darth Skotia, and dispatched her apprentice to retrieve it while concealing their involvement in the theft.
During the apprentice's infiltration of Grathan's estate, Dorotsech was discovered while the apprentice was seeking his creation. He revealed the location of the weapon and was subsequently killed, rather than being freed with the understanding that he would remain silent about the theft.
Dorotsech, a Human male with fair skin, brown eyes, and a mustache, was balding with brown [hair](/article/hair-legends] only on the sides of his head. He was an accomplished scientist, capable of independently developing a highly effective weapon against droids. Despite his scientific prowess, Dorotsech lacked courage, as demonstrated during his encounter with Lord Zash's apprentice, where he desperately pleaded for his life. However, his pleas were futile against the apprentice's lack of mercy, and the scientist was killed on the spot.
Dorotsech is a character in the "Dismantling the Machine" mission for the Sith Inquisitor class in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by BioWare that launched on December 20, 2011. The player has the option to warn the scientist to remain silent and allow him to live, which rewards them with light side points. If spared, he will later send the player a message regarding Skotia's death, along with a sum of credits.