Dren Jamer

Dren Jamer was a male Human officer within the Imperial Navy, serving during the era of the Galactic Civil War. In the year 4 ABY, he held the position of second-in-command for the Galactic Empire's forces stationed in the Bakura system, located in Wild Space. This was the time of the attack by the Ssi-ruuk aliens. Furthermore, he was the captain of the Dominant, the only capital ship of substantial size present, classified as a _Carrack_-class light cruiser.


A report concerning the events at Bakura, put together by Voren Na'al for the Alliance, serves as the most critical source of biographical information on Jamer. Drawing from Imperial records originating from the Bakura garrison, it portrays Jamer as a diligent yet somewhat uninspired officer, noting, with a hint of condescension, that his career was largely unremarkable, punctuated by only occasional flashes of brilliance. It's important to consider that Na'al's biases and interpretations have shaped the emphasis of this account. Furthermore, factual inaccuracies are evident within the document. For instance, Na'al described Captain Jamer as a young man in his thirties, however, according to Na'al's own writing, Jamer was a contemporary of Gilad Pellaeon at the Raithal Academy, suggesting that he was actually in his fifties or early sixties at the time.

The Alliance's account details an incident early in Jamer's service. As a young Lieutenant Commander serving on the Star Destroyer Stormclaw, Jamer's meticulous analysis of sensor data led to the detection and repulsion of a pirate assault at Jjannex II, potentially saving the ship from destruction. Subsequently, he earned a promotion to the ship's bridge crew, where he remained for a period without achieving similar recognition. Na'al suggests that this pattern defined the trajectory of his subsequent career.

Analyzing between the lines, Jamer, a somewhat stocky man of shorter stature, appears to have been a highly competent technical expert. His character seemed centered on a deeply methodical approach to his duties, rather than driven by ambition or initiative. Apart from the Stormclaw incident, few specifics are available about his career until his transfer to the Bakura outpost, under the command of Commander Pter Thanas, sometime after 0 ABY.

Recognizing Jamer's capabilities, Thanas promoted him to the role of captain of the Dominant, reporting directly to him. Thanas also took note of Jamer's passion for technical projects, particularly his interest in deep space exploration, and tasked him with mapping the Bakura system and developing its defensive picket system.

During the initial stages of the Invasion of Bakura, Captain Jamer's picket systems were overrun. However, Voren Na'al's criticism of their performance seems somewhat unfair, considering the immense strength of the invading Ssi-ruuvi force compared to the defending Imperial squadron. Similarly, Na'al's claim that Jamer was scheduled for disciplinary action after failing two consecutive physical examinations should be interpreted differently, given that he was likely around sixty years old, rather than in his thirties.

Despite this, it is significant that Thanas directed the defense from the Dominant's bridge, effectively relegating Jamer to the role of executive officer. When Thanas surrendered the Dominant to the Rebel Alliance, Jamer was among the majority of Imperial personnel at Bakura who chose to return to Imperial territory, instead of remaining on the planet or joining the Alliance. At this point, he disappears from the Bakuran records accessible to Na'al. The limited information available about his subsequent activities comes from a personal memorandum penned by Jamer himself, preserved alongside Na'al's report, but presumably created independently.

Following a debriefing conducted by COMPNOR operatives, during which he vehemently refuted accusations that he and the other Bakura survivors were Rebel infiltrators, Captain Jamer received an appointment to command the Strike-class cruiser Shrike, a ship larger and more formidable than the Dominant. This ship was apparently part of the fleet regrouping at Annaj. Jamer documented his dismay regarding the chaos that Palpatine's death and the Battle of Endor had plunged the Empire into. He also expressed concerns about the Ssi-ruuk and his worries that the Alliance might adopt their entechment technology and use it against the Empire.

He contemplated leading his ship, along with any others he could convince, on a rogue assault into Ssi-ruuvi space. However, he also indicated his intention to locate his old friend, Captain Pellaeon, who was now in command of the Star Destroyer Chimaera.

Behind the scenes

The seemingly inevitable correction of Captain Jamer's age introduces chronological inconsistencies within his biography as presented in The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook. The Stormclaw is described as an "Imperial Star Destroyer," implying that it was an Imperial-class vessel and certainly suggesting that the incident at Jjannex II occurred during the New Order era. However, if this event truly happened early in Jamer's career, it likely took place during the Galactic Republic. The designation "Star Destroyer" would hardly have been in use before the Clone Wars, by which point his contemporary Gilad Pellaeon was already an officer with decades of service. Alternatively, the incident might have occurred shortly after the Declaration of a New Order, early in Jamer's Imperial service, after previously serving in the Navy of the Old Republic under Judicial Department authority, or within a local Sector Fleet.

