Droids issue number 5 constitutes the fifth installment of the Star Wars: Droids (1995) comic series, a Dark Horse comic book title that features R2-D2 and C-3PO in leading roles. Its release date was September 26th, 1995.
Certain individuals hold the opinion that heroic traits are inherited through one's genetic makeup, while others argue that they are instilled through education. However, in the case of Artoo, heroism stems from a computer virus infection! Subsequent to their pivotal meeting with Boonda the Hutt, Threepio and Artoo find themselves under the ownership of an Ithorian residing on Nar Shaddaa. During an assault on the Ithorian's herd ship by alien abductors, Artoo feels an obligation to safeguard a seemingly defenseless Human. Artoo's altruistic deed is soon revealed to be more than standard droid programming, when Threepio uncovers that his diminutive companion has been affected by the Caretaker virus!