
The Druulgothans were a species of sentients resembling lizards, originating from the Druulgotha system. This system was situated within the Thesme sector of the Outer Rim's territories. These beings existed within the galaxy during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Notably, in the year 0 BBY, a group of Druulgothans made an appearance at a cantina located on the planet known as Toprawa. This particular cantina, named Al The Alchemist's, was a popular haunt for gun-runners, mercenaries, and bounty hunters from across the galaxy, with the notorious Boba Fett being one of its patrons.

Also present at the cantina during this time was Havet Storm, a young Human boy whose grandfather had once been a Jedi Knight. When the cantina's occupants discovered that Storm possessed a lightsaber, they, including the Druulgothans, surrounded him and regarded him with open animosity. Fett, fueled by a previous grievance against the boy, commanded the cantina's diverse clientele to kill Storm. However, the boy managed to successfully escape the situation.

Behind the scenes

Paul Cockburn, the author of the interactive adventure book Jedi Dawn, published by Boxtree in 1993, was responsible for the creation of the Druulgothans. While the species itself is not featured within the narrative of the adventure, it receives mention in the front matter of the book, specifically in the section immediately following the cover. The scene described above bears a strong resemblance to a scene within the adventure, even including the same line of dialogue spoken by Boba Fett. In this scene, the reader is presented with three distinct options for responding to the situation. Should the reader choose to attempt to talk their way out of the confrontation, a "lizard-faced creature with a rasping voice" snatches away the lightsaber; this character could potentially be one of the Druulgothans. The Druulgothans are also referenced in the front matter of The Lost Jedi Adventure Game Book, published in 1992, a compilation of Jedi Dawn and its sequel, The Bounty Hunter.

