Duala Aidu

Duala Aidu was a Human female, attuned to the Force, and hailed from the Singing Mountain Clan. This clan of witches made their home on the planet of Dathomir.


Around 18 BBY, Jax Pavan, a Jedi Knight, traveled to Dathomir with the intention of conducting business with the Singing Mountain Clan. As he neared the clan's fortress, Aidu, along with Magash Drashi, a Dathomirian Zabrak, noticed his arrival. Together, they accompanied him to meet Augwynne Djo, their clan mother. Later, Pavan requested the witches' assistance in unlocking the secrets held within the holocron of Darth Ramage, a Sith Lord. This holocron required a significant amount of blood from an individual sensitive to the Force to activate. Aidu, Djo, Drashi, and Pavan all contributed blood, enabling the Jedi to gain access to the holocron.

