Magash Drashi was a Singing Mountain Clan witch, hailing from the planet of Dathomir; she was a female Human-Zabrak hybrid. Around 18 BBY, Drashi, along with fellow Dathomiri adept Duala Aidu, encountered Jedi Knight Jax Pavan near the Singing Mountain Clan's stronghold, who had journeyed to Dathomir seeking the witches' aid.
Drashi and Aidu questioned the Jedi regarding his purpose on Dathomir before escorting Pavan to Augwynne Djo, the clan mother of the Singing Mountain Clan. The matriarch permitted Pavan to visit a ruined Star Temple within the clan's territory; Drashi, intrigued by the off-worlder, volunteered to go with him to the temple. Upon their return from the ruin, the witches consented to assist Pavan in accessing the secrets held within the holocron of Sith Lord Darth Ramage. This holocron required a substantial amount of blood from a Force-sensitive individual to activate, and Drashi, Aidu, Djo, and Pavan all contributed blood, enabling the Jedi to unlock it.
Subsequently, after confronted Darth Vader using the Sith Holocron's wisdom, Pavan went back to Dathomir so that the witches could purge the dark knowledge from him and to offer Drashi an apprenticeship, since she'd already displayed an open mind regarding Jedi teachings.