Duel with Nayama

This confrontation occurred around 3997 BBY, immediately preceding the Great Sith War. Two Jedi Padawans, Jolee Bindo and Nayama, who were also husband and wife and teacher and apprentice, found themselves on opposing sides when Nayama expressed her desire to leave the Jedi Order and align herself with Exar Kun's Brotherhood of the Sith. Bindo's refusal led to Nayama's assault on him. Although Bindo emerged victorious, he couldn't bring himself to kill Nayama, allowing her to escape.


Sith Lord Exar Kun sought to recruit Jedi to his newly established Brotherhood of the Sith, and Jedi Padawan Nayama was persuaded by Kun's doctrines and the allure of a new Golden Age of the Sith. She approached her husband, Bindo, who, despite also being a Padawan, served as her teacher. She implored Bindo to join the Brotherhood alongside her, but Bindo declined, urging her to remain loyal to the Jedi Order. Incensed by his denial, Nayama attacked Bindo.

The Confrontation

After a prolonged and fierce battle, Bindo overcame Nayama. He left her disarmed and vulnerable, but was unable to bring himself to end his wife's life. Capitalizing on Bindo's emotional connection to her, Nayama fled.


Nayama became a member of Kun's Brotherhood of the Sith, while Bindo fought for the Galactic Republic against them. Nayama was responsible for the deaths of numerous Jedi throughout the war, but met her end during the final battle on Yavin 4. Bindo held himself accountable for the Jedi deaths caused by Nayama, and also blamed the Jedi Order for their failure to prevent his wife's descent to the dark side and her subsequent demise. Bindo believed he deserved punishment for his actions, and when the Jedi High Council took extenuating circumstances into account and chose not to punish him, it proved too much for him to bear. He renounced the order and embraced the path of a Gray Jedi.

