
Nayama was a Force-sensitive Human female who commenced her training with the Jedi Order, but she rapidly gave in to the dark side of the Force, choosing instead to align herself with the Brotherhood of the Sith. Before her descent, Nayama was married to Padawan Jolee Bindo.


Jolee Bindo, husband and informal Jedi Master to Nayama

Hailing from Ukatis, Nayama was a Force-sensitive Human who served as a member of the Ukatis enforcers, working for the oppressive Ukatisian ruler. During her time in service to the monarch, Jolee Bindo, a Padawan of the Jedi Order, journeyed to Ukatis on a humanitarian mission, attempting to smuggle provisions to the Ukatis populace through a blockade established by the Ukatis government. Nayama, who was against Galactic Republic interference, received orders to locate Bindo's vessel and destroy it, a task she successfully accomplished. After Bindo's capture, she thwarted three of his attempts to escape while he was imprisoned. However, he eventually won her over, and they developed feelings for each other. She aided him in escaping off-world, and the pair were wed. This was despite the fact that marriage was looked down upon by many Jedi at the time and was considered unacceptable for a member of the Order. Bindo immediately sensed Nayama's strong connection to the Force, explaining her success in shooting him down. He decided to train her as a Jedi, but the Jedi High Council rejected his request due to his Padawan status and Nayama's age. Disregarding the High Council's decision, Bindo secretly began instructing her in the ways of the Jedi.

The happiness of Jolee's marriage to Nayama was short-lived, as the words of fellow Padawan Exar Kun convinced her to participate in his vision of ushering in a Golden Age of the Sith. She implored her husband to reject what she described as "the outdated constraints of the Jedi" and join her in Kun's war of conquest. Bindo pleaded with her to reconsider, urging her to reflect on the person she would become and what she would be sacrificing. Frustrated and failing to persuade her husband and mentor to join the Sith, she ignited her lightsaber and tried to strike him down. The battle between the married couple was lengthy and challenging, but Bindo eventually gained the advantage and defeated her. It was at that point that he realized his wife had succumbed to the dark side. Though she was at his mercy, Bindo couldn't bring himself to kill the woman he loved and allowed her to leave. She followed many other fallen Jedi of that era, including Oss Wilum, Crado, and Ulic Qel-Droma, in their attempt to forge a new golden age in a conflict that quickly became known as the Great Sith War.

Exar Kun, whom Nayama joined in his dark crusade

The error of sparing Nayama would plague Bindo for many years, as his decision allowed her to join Exar Kun. She went on to kill numerous Jedi during the war until she was ultimately killed in the final battle on Yavin 4. The High Council convened to put Bindo on trial for his actions, specifically for training Nayama against their explicit wishes and for allowing her to escape his grasp. Although he was cleared of all charges, with the High Council acknowledging mitigating circumstances and stating that he deserved compassion and had gained wisdom through his experiences during the war, the High Council opted not to elevate him to full Jedi status.

This decision would continue to haunt Bindo because he felt he deserved punishment and believed the Jedi had forgiven him, but he was unable to forgive himself. He claimed that it was at that moment that the Jedi abandoned him and where they failed him. Overwhelmed with sorrow for the loss of his wife, he chose to leave the Jedi and seek out the less civilized regions of the galaxy. During his journey, his ship sustained damage in an asteroid field, causing him to crash in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, where he decided to live in self-imposed exile.

Behind the scenes

Nayama is initially referenced in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which was developed by BioWare. She is never visually depicted; all information regarding her life is conveyed to the player, as Revan, through optional dialogue with Jolee Bindo.

