Dunir Signos

Dunir Signos was a male Human who resided in Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He worked for Jabba the Hutt.


In the year 1 ABY, Dunir encountered a spacer who had accumulated debts with Jabba. Niko Brehe dispatched the spacer to Dunir, aiming to assist in settling the debt owed to Jabba. Subsequently, Dunir charged the spacer with the task of delivering a package to Toggi Bok, whose encampment was situated just outside the boundaries of Mos Eisley. After the spacer successfully carried out this delivery, Dunir instructed them to go to the offices of the White Thranta Shipping Company, located near Mos Eisley, to pick up a package that was Jabba's property. The spacer then spoke to the receptionist, requesting the package, which the receptionist promptly located and gave to the spacer. After this, the spacer gave the package back to Dunir, who then sent them to Reimos Taligg so they could continue to work off their debt to Jabba.

Behind the scenes

Dunir Signos made an appearance as a non-player character within the video game Star Wars Galaxies (2003), a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. This game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Dunir Signos was incorporated into the game as a component of the "Legacy Quest" through the release of "Publish 25", also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.

