Dust was a spying instrument created by the GAR Procurement Development team in the era of the Clone Wars. It was made up of extremely small, dust-like transmitters and had the outward appearance of powdered permaglass. It served the purpose of tracking individuals or could be spread across battlefields for covert surveillance.
Each production run contained a unique tracking component, which was used to mark targets. Dust worked best when aimed at the facial area, particularly the mouth, so that it could be breathed in. It possessed a slightly adhesive quality, allowing it to adhere to the subject, and it remained actively transmitting for about a month.
Dust could be visually identified with the help of an optical EM filter, which senses electromagnetic signals, and it would appear as a pinkish-brown color in the image.
During the mission to Coruscant, Jedi General Bardan Jusik "acquired" some Dust from Procurement Development for his team's use in the covert operation. Fi, Scorch, along with other members of Delta and Omega Squad utilized Dust to follow a group of Separatist insurgents who were purchasing explosives from Kal Skirata, who was acting as a weapons seller.
General Jusik modified the Dust to function as a projectile for use with a Verpine shatter gun. When used in this way, the distance had to be calculated with great precision to prevent it from scattering too far from the intended recipient.