Ealy's, also known as Ealy's rooftop tavern deck, was a tavern that could be found atop a five-story structure within a city situated on the planet of Reena. Axel Greylark, a student attending Reena University, was a regular patron of this establishment. In the vicinity of 396 BBY, during the Queen's Bloom Festival, Greylark and his companions nearly chose Ealy's as their festival destination, but ultimately decided to visit Gorag Tower instead.
The rooftop tavern deck known as Ealy's, or simply Ealy's, occupied a space on top of a five-story building located in a city on the planet Reena. The tavern featured a fountain that constantly flowed with a beverage that the owner called "giddy tonic."

Axel Greylark discovered Ealy's early in his time as a student at Reena University. He preferred listening to the tales of traders and pilots at the tavern—stories of outmaneuvering pirates along the Caloria Run hyperspace route—finding it more captivating than his Political Ideology in the Outer Rim course. Around 396 BBY, Greylark, along with fellow students Leyli Romero and Kozmo Sundrel IV, neglected their responsibilities during the Queen's Bloom Festival and went to the building where Ealy's was located to see the Queen's Bloom. After Sundrel's negative reaction to the tavern, Romero convinced them to instead sneak into a penthouse within Gorag Tower. Following a near encounter with his mother, Senator Kyong Greylark, at the Gorag Tower party, Axel commented that they would have been better off going to Ealy's.
The short story titled "The Queen's Bloom," penned by Zoraida Córdova, featured Ealy's rooftop tavern deck. This story was included in the young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, published in 2023 as a contribution to the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.