Earth (droid)

Earth was one of the four android creations fashioned by the Keeper. This particular android possessed the unique skill to manipulate the very ground beneath his feet.


The Keeper found herself on Keeper's World, placed there by her makers with the mission to heal the planet after the devastation of an ancient war. To aid in her monumental task, and to alleviate her feelings of solitude, the Keeper brought into existence four android assistants, each without a name initially. Among them was a male appearing android who had the ability to command the earth, including stones and the soil itself.

During the events of the Battle of The Keeper's World, the androids chose to fight alongside Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 against a unit of Imperial Stormtroopers. In a display of his abilities, Earth unexpectedly buried R2-D2 in dirt, causing the astromech droid considerable distress. Subsequently, Earth summoned a barrage of rocks and boulders from the underground chambers of the Keeper's Temple, creating a diversion that allowed the Rebels to make their escape.

Personality and traits

Earth presented himself as a human male, distinguished by his orange-colored hair. He didn't appear to be a droid at first glance, except for his photoreceptors which resembled a yellow glow emanating from dark eye sockets.

Earth appeared to be the most spontaneous of the Keeper's android creations. When he first encountered the Rebels, he abruptly demanded that they identify themselves. Later, while showcasing his earth-bending abilities, he unthinkingly covered R2-D2 in dirt, disregarding the droid's well-being. However, upon having this pointed out to him, he quickly apologized, demonstrating that despite his impulsive nature, his intentions were good.

Skills and abilities

Earth possessed complete control over the element of earth, manipulating both dirt and rocks with ease. He could precisely control the earth, as seen when he covered R2-D2 in dirt without causing any damage. He could also wield rocks and earth in combat, using them to devastating effect.

