The Keeper's Temple, situated on the Keeper's World, comprised a set of dilapidated structures linked by a teleportal to an extensive subterranean complex. This underground network served as the residence for The Keeper and the beings she created.
The Keeper's Temple presented a dual nature, existing both above and below the surface. The above-ground component consisted of a ruined temple complex nestled within the jungles of Keeper's World. These ruins were characterized by decaying stone buildings, adorned with elaborate patterns and designs intricately carved into their walls. A teleportal located within these ruins facilitated transportation between the temple above and the expansive network of underground caverns.
Beneath the temple lay a vast cavern system, where advanced technology coexisted with the natural, rugged rock formations of the caverns. These caverns provided shelter and protection for The Keeper, enabling her to pursue her objective of revitalizing the planet.

The inhabitants who originally lived on Keeper's World were the ones who built the Keeper, tasking her with the restoration of the planet following its devastation from a war.
In the year 0 ABY, a group of Rebels, including Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2, found themselves stranded on Keeper's World after their escape from Imperial forces during the Battle of The Keeper's World. The Imperials managed to trap the Rebels within the dilapidated temple ruins above ground, but the Rebels escaped by using the teleportal.
The Imperials followed the Rebels through the teleportal and into the underground caverns. The Rebels then received aid from the Keeper's creations, who had command over the elements of earth, fire, rain, and wind. The Keeper, perceiving the ongoing conflict as a threat to her planetary restoration mission, provided protection to the Rebels. She also initiated groundquakes and other destructive events, forcing the Imperials to retreat from the caverns. Although these actions made it seem as if the caverns were collapsing or otherwise becoming unstable, the Keeper restored the environment to its original state after the Imperials left. In this way, the temple's sanctity was maintained, and the Keeper was able to resume her work.